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'School was a drag this time.'

Mandy thought as she clicked her pen. She was full of the pancakes Chester brought for her.

'They were so good.'

Mandy thought as she looked at her notebook and back at the desk. They were writing things that she totally knew a few months back. Well, she was going to become a doctor after all.


Chester stared at the board. He was totally losing his mind from boredom. He had biology, probably Mandy's favorite subject. He wasn't interested in animals and all that, so he let himself nap a bit. Chester began to fall asleep, but he caught himself before the teacher could say something. Class ended, and Chester took his things and left. He couldn't tell why, but he felt as if someone was following him. Chester made a turn towards his next classroom, and to his suprise, he saw someone following him. Chester stopped and turned around. Leon was behind him. He was trailing him. He started walking closer to him, while Chester remained in one place. He looked around and saw that he had been near a janitor's room. Chester got an idea. As Leon moved closer, he felt as if a fight was going to break out.

- What do you want?

Leon said nothing as he moved even closer. He liked to intimidate people by not answering them, but Chester knew that already, so he didn't fear. Leon was a step closer to him, and just as Chester looked out for a punch, Leon passed him. He continued walking towards his next class. Chester looked at him as he was getting further away from him. He did the same shortly after. Good thing this didn't escalate further. He'd hate to fight with a wound. Chester walked to his next class and sat down on his chair again. He quickly went through the most important stuff for the maths test, and the teacher came just in time for the bell. Chester finished up memorizing and left his notebook inside the bag. The teacher did an inspection as always and gave each of them different tests. Chester wrote his name on the front and began to write what he knew. The test was a two lesson one again, so he got over the first page quickly, while he took his time on the second page. After he was done, he had a whole lesson released from him. Chester gave the teacher his test and left the classroom with his bag. He began to walk to his next classroom, and someone stopped him. It was Mandy. She had also finished up her test.

- Chester, could you do me a favor?

Chester looked at her.

- Sure.

- Could you take my backpack, because I will be arriving a bit late next class. I need you to set my things on my desk, please.

Chester continued to hold eye contact with her.

- Okay.

Chester began to walk towards the classroom with her backpack in hand. Now that she wasn't sick, it was a bit awkward to be seen with her things. She had a regular woman's bag, a pink hoodie, and a purple and pink backpack. As he was walking, he heard the sound of people mumbling behind him. Chester caught a few words here or there. Chester continued walking, and someone crashed with him from behind. It had been his classmate Melodie.

- I'm so sorry. I got a bit carried away.

Melodie unplugged her earbuds, and Chester felt a bit agitated.

- Just be more careful next time.

Melodie didn't mind him. She plugged her ear buds in and continued to skip towards their class. Chester arrived at the class and set Mandy's things on her desk. He heard a voice from one of his classmates.

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