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The rain was increasing even more. Mandy was focused on her test as the rain drops were hitting the window. Good thing Chester didn't receive any detention time.  He'd have to make due with scolding from the teacher. Mandy thought on the test.


Chester was tapping his pen on his desk.

'What was the cause of the great depression?'

Chester remembered, so he wrote inflation.
That was the main cause, right? He had 10 more questions to answer before he would be free. Time was ticking, and Chester was leaving the ones he couldn't answer. He had 4 unanswered questions. He marked whichever and called it a day. Chester stood up from his seat. He was the first one ready. He gave the sheet of paper to the teacher.

- You haven't written your number and class.

- Oh ,yes.

Chester quickly wrote his number and class and left the classroom. Only a few more classes to go. Good thing the test was 2 lessons time, so he still had 4 lessons to go. He finished the test in 1 lesson, so he had a whole lesson released from him. Chester walked through the hall, limping a bit from where he was hit. He could run, but the pain was still there. Chester chuckled to himself. He was maybe the most stupid person walking in the school, or rather limping. Not only was he completely soaked, but he also got himself a half hour long scolding after classes. His hair was a mess. Chester ran his hand through it, ruffling in up a bit. Great. His socks were also soaked, and his whole outfit was only now beginning to dry off. He needed a break. Chester sneezed. Now he knew he was going to be sick. He made his way through the hall to the vending machine. He's still got some money left. Chester was a bit hesitant to waste his money on an overpriced snack, so he went outside. It wasn't as cold as he thought it would be. Chester sat at the nearest bench, which was protected from the rain. He noticed it was also a bit foggy. Chester felt a vibration on one of his pockets. He took his phone out and saw who messaged him. It was Mandy.

"Where are you?

'It was unlike her to text first.'

"Im outside. Why?

"The teacher changed plans. We will have a second lesson.

Chester sent her a heart and stood up from the bench. He opened the doors leading to the school. Chester made his way up the stairs and carefully walked inside the classroom. He looked around the classroom. His eyes landed on Mandy. She was looking down at her phone. He thought it was the perfect moment to scare her, so he made his way over her desk, and just as he was about to scare her, she said:

- I saw you enter Chester.

- You're no fun. You know that?

Chester said as he took one of the chairs who weren't used and sat next to her. Chester felt something odd with Mandy. She seemed uncomfortable? No, not that it seemed as if she was nervous. She desperately tried to avoid eye contact with him. Mandy set her phone down and opened her notebook. Chester chuckled a bit.

- Mandy.

- What?

- Your notebook is upside down.

Chester leaned his head on his hand playfully. Mandy turned her notebook the right way and slightly turned away from Chester as if to hide her embarrassment.

- What do you want, Chester?

- I want to play with you, Mandy.

Chester grinned as he teased Mandy, seeing as Chester wasn't going to receive an answer except silence from Mandy.

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