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The small rectangular box of cigars was in pocket along with the brand new lighter, which he shielded with his arm from the rain. He was inside the car on his way to a housing estate a couple blocks away from his house. Chester didn't know why he was brought along and what they were doing, but from what he could tell. They were going to question him again, and this time, they were going to see the cigars and lighter inside his right pocket. He needed to throw them out. Chester looked at the rain, falling down outside. Officer Shelly was driving while Officer Colt was eyeing him from the rearview mirror with a squint, which implied that he was still suspicious of him. He could roll down the window and throw the cigars and lighter out. Colt cleared up his throat and waited for a while before speaking up.

- Are you still on drugs?

Chester remained quiet for a bit.

'No, officer. I'm recovering by smoking.'

Chester thought and chuckled internally.

- No.

- Why are you out?

Officer Colt was persistent with his question. Never once looking away from Chester in the rearview mirror. Chester was picking on his fingers as the officer was looking at him.

'The further away you think a person in a mirror is, the closer he actually is.'

Chester thought to himself.

- Let's get to the questioning room first, Officer.

Chester said and looked away.

- Alright. Seeing as you won't talk or tell us anything, you won't mind us running a blood test on you, right?

- Sure.

Chester said in a cocky way.

- How about a saliva test?

It was as if the Officer knew that he smoked. Chester felt the sweat pick up on him, and he continued to remain quiet.

They didn't say anything more. After a while, the car stopped. Shelly sighed and unbuckled her seatbelt. She looked at Colt.

- Are you staying inside the car?

- Why?

- You can't just leave him inside the car.

- Then we'll take him with us so we can keep a watch on him.

Chester listened to them talking. After a while, Chester got out of the car along with them, and he looked at where they were parked. He turned the corner with them, and he was held by the forearm by Officer Colt, who had a firm grip on his arm. The building was abandoned. Officer Shelly knocked on the door, but there was no answer. She tried to open the door, but it was locked shut.

- It's locked. I can't break in, and the windows are boarded up.

Officer Colt looked at Chester with that look.

- I know a way we can get in.

Officer Colt said.

- The kid knows how to lockpick.

Officer Shelly looked at him and then back at Chester.

- He doesn't have tools, but if you could give him something like a paper clip or...

Shelly got the rest and ruffled through her hair. She undid her hair pin in the process, and she gave the hairpin to him, and Chester looked at it for a while.

Colt had the same one inside his pocket.

Chester chuckled a bit.

- What's funny?

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