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Chester ran across the street. The drops of rain grazed his clothes and made him wet. He was soaked with water and needed to change. Chester quickly ran towards his house. He turned corner after corner and ran. Chester felt himself panting, so he slowed down a bit and took cover from the rain in a small newspaper stand. The owner looked at him.

- You buying?

He looked at him. Chester, in return, didn't pay attention to him and just waited for a while. Suddenly, Chester felt someone bump into him and stop. He looked down, and he saw the jacket that Mandy wore. It was Mandy. She was hiding from someone.

- Excuse me.

She said while she was looking down.
Chester looked down on her and leaned in a bit to see her face. He had to make sure it was her. He saw her face, and she had faint tear streaks along it. He promised himself that he wasn't going to talk to her, but he was really concerned.

- Why are you crying?

She looked down again, and Chester made her look at him. He grabbed her gently by the chin and made her look up at him. He was silent with her for a while, and Mandy continued to look at him with her mouth gaping a bit.

- Tell me.

Chester leaned in close. He wiped her tears away with his thumb. Out of the corner came around Lola. Mandy turned around, and she stopped right in her tracks and saw Chester leaning down on Mandy. She had her hood on, and her umbrella was down, while Chester was leaning towards her with his face near her cheek. Chester slowly got up from her and turned around. He waited until Mandy finished talking with Lola. He heard them talking a bit, but he choose to ignore what they were talking about. Mandy finished up talking, and Lola went her way. Chester turned towards her and saw that her face was crimson red and angry. She gave him a slap against his cheek, but he caught it and took her hand.

- You're getting on my nerves.

Chester said. She looked even more embarrassed and furious.

- You! You always find a way to make it worse.

- That's why I don't want you around me Mandy. I only make things worse.

- That's not what I mean, you idiot. Why can't we be together?

- Because I'm afraid, so let's go our separate ways.

- Why did you talk to me then?

- Didn't I tell you already? Because you're irresistible and because I was worried about you crying your eyes off on a rainy day. Tell me what happened.

- What happened is that you left me! Again! After I poured out my heart to you, after I told you how I felt you are a coward for running away! Always running away from me and ignoring me!

Mandy had a bitter expression on her face, as if she felt pain for talking about Chester this way. He looked at her while her tears fell.

- This is a newspaper stand.


Mandy was walking away alone. Chester and her walked away after that awkward exchange with the newspaper stand guy. She tried to brighten up a bit, but she couldn't help but think about Chester. She skipped a bit through the puddles of rain, a little sad and pouty.

'Something isn't right here.'

Mandy stopped and looked around. She was alone, and only the sound of cars passing by was heard. Suddenly, Mandy felt a hand grab her and pull her towards an allyway. Their hand was on her mouth as they silently pulled her away from the street.  She was released, and she saw who it was. It was a figure dressed in all black.

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