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Mandy made her way home, alone. Chester had to stay after school for a scolding from the teacher. It wasn't going to stop raining anytime soon, and Chester was going to be soaked again. What was she doing? She was supposed to wait for him outside the school. It was bad enough that he didn't have an umbrella. He was also limping with his left leg. Mandy made up her mind and walked towards the school. She hadn't answered Chester's question again. What did she want from him? Certainly not him ignoring her. Did she want to be a friend with him?
Mandy couldn't make up her mind, so she stopped thinking about that for a while. On the way to the school, she came across her classmate, Bibi. Bibi was one of the scariest people you'd ever want around you, so Mandy looked down at the ground and continued walking. They passed each other, and Mandy continued walking at a faster pace. She was almost to the school.


Needless to say, Chester was bored out of his mind. The teacher gave him a speech about how rude it was that he bumped into her and spilled her coffee everywhere. Chester, in turn, only said yes to every statement she made and made nods of approval for his behavior.

'Im going to be soaking wet!'

Chester thought as he heard the small drops of rain continue to hit the window.

- Look, you're a smart kid, but you just keep acting up in my class. No, not just in my class in every class! You've got to stop this kind of act, or else your future won't be bright!

Chester continued to nod as she went off at him being such an act up in class.

'What does she know about me? How many nights I layed in my bed starving to near death.'

- You're not even paying attention to anything I'm saying!!

Chester tensed his jaw, keeping himself from saying a word to his history teacher.

- You keep up that act, and Im going to seriously consider keeping in touch with your parents, young man!

Chester couldn't help himself. He chuckled, then his chuckle became a small laugh, and it continued into full-on laughing. He was out of breath from laughing so hard.  Chester was weezing. He was even crying from laughing so hard. Between laughs, he said:

- Do... do you honestly think my father would show up? What's even more funny is that it's not that he can't. It's because he doesn't care about me or my grades!

He was laughing so hard he leaned on a nearby desk and squeezed his eyes shut from laughing. He was such a jerk to his teacher, but he didn't care. It's not like he could ever escape from his miserable life.

'If you try to tell yourself you're not miserable, you won't convince yourself.

'Saying that your father loves you and cares about you isn't going to actually come true, will it?'

The teacher continued looking at him.

- Stop trying to act like you care.

Chester said as he wiped his tears from his eyes. He left the classroom and got out of school. It had not stopped raining ever since tomorrow morning. He opened the doors leading to the outside, and he was surprised to see that Mandy was standing there in the rain. She was standing beneath her umbrella, which did little to protect her from the violent downpour. She came closer to him. Mandy was in front of him. Chester looked at her, but she didn't look back. She spoke:

- Are you just going to stand there or what?

Chester came closer to her and said with a smile:

- Are you suggesting we use one umbrella like they do it in the movies? I didn't know you had that in you, Mandy.

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