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Chester looked at her. She was lying on the sofa.

- Do you want something to eat?

- No.

'She definitely wanted something to eat.'

- I'm going to the store, so if you want something, you better tell me before I go out. I also need to run to my house to do the laundry, so I will need to leave you for a while. Will you be okay?

- I'll be fine.

Mandy said. Chester knew that she hadn't eaten all day except the pancakes he brought with him, so he knew she was going to be hungry after a while. She also mentioned something about her parents being on a vacation, so she was alone. Chester stood up from the couch and walked over to the kitchen. He turned on the water heater so she could wash herself and be cleansed of her...
Anyway, Chester poured a glass of water and brought it over Mandy. She was still lying down. Chester, being the stupid guy he is asked:

- Does it hurt?

- Well, of course, it hurts Chester. Leave me be for a while.

Mandy said as she lay there.

- I'll be going, alright? I won't be long.

Chester said to her as he went outside her house. He sprinted to the store. Chester looked at what he had. He had a few bucks, which were enough for a dish.

'Spaghetti. That sounds good.'

Chester walked to his house and set the bag near the door. He took out the laundry basket. He took the dirty clothes and put them inside the basket. Chester took them to the washing machine and loaded them in. He took a capsule and set the washing machine. While the washing machine was on, he cleaned the house and took a few ingredients from his fridge. Chester put them inside the bag and waited for the clothes to finish cleaning. After that, Chester took them outside and set them out to dry. After Chester set his clothes to dry, he started to walk towards Mandy's house. He arrived and knocked at the door. The door opened, and Mandy stood there. She walked away, and he followed behind her. Chester closed the door and locked it. He saw that Mandy was going upstairs, so he went in the kitchen to cook something for them. He was going to make spaghetti.


Mandy was in the bathroom. She was sitting on the bathtub. Mandy began to undress herself. She felt her tense muscles begin to relax, and her expression changed to that of relaxation. She turned on the hot water, and it began to fill the bathtub. Once it was fully filled, she went in and felt the hot water wash away her worries. Mandy stayed there for a while. She began to clean herself. She went over the part of her neck where she had been bitten. It was starting to fade out, but Mandy could still feel it a bit.

'He really bit me'

Mandy still didn't understand why he chose to bite her there. It all felt so weird now. She didn't even know what her relationship with him was anymore. Mandy would wait it out for him to make the first move now. She continued to sit in the tub. After a while, she got up and went to grab her towel. Mandy started to dry herself off with it, and after she was done, she used it to cover herself. Mandy went up the stairs to her room. She felt the faint smell of something cooking. Mandy went inside her room, closing the door on her way. She started to dress herself accordingly. After  she was done putting on her socks, she went downstairs where Chester was. He was making spaghetti. She looked at him from behind, and it was as if he felt her stare but didn't say anything.

- We still have school tomorrow, you know.

- At least it's friday. I'll cook something for you so you don't starve yourself.

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