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- Why do you not want to see me?

Her face seemed sad.

-Is it because I did something wrong?

Chester felt furious at himself. He was the one who did wrong. He was the idiot. Why did she always blame herself for his   actions. Chester looked at her and struggled to keep eye contact with her.

- It wasn't your fault. It was all me. I did something that I reget.

Chester stopped himself. He really wanted her to disappear from him. Mandy stood still in the middle of the living room as Chester looked everywhere, but in her eyes. She was watching him patiently and carefully. It was as if she were staring right at his soul. Chester spoke up.

- I regret that I...

He stopped again! What an idiot he was. Was it that hard to admit what you did?

- I reget that I sucked on your neck.

Chester looked down in shame. That was the reason why he felt so bad. She was sick and he did that to her. Mandy remained silent.

- ...

She felt a burning sensation. Mandy felt as if she was on fire.

- Mandy. I want you to stay away from me. I just don't want to see you anymore because I can't control myself.

Mandy slowly walked towards Chester. She took his hands and intertwined her fingers with his. Chester's hands were cold and rough, while hers were warm and soft. She looked at him in his eyes as she tiptoed a little to reach up to him. Mandy came closer to him, and her lips reached up to his ear. Her soft voice spoke

- Chester.

She stopped herself.

- That bite that you gave me.

Mandy looked at him. His eyes didn't dare to look at her.

- Why did you do it?

Mandy made Chester face her. He looked at her eyes, and she looked at his lips. Chester thought of what to say next.

- Mandy. It was because I...

He couldn't say that he liked her more than a friend, but she knew what he meant.

- It was because I thought about joking with you.

Chester could tell that Mandy didn't buy his explanation. She looked at him.

Chester looked at Mandy. She was serious. They were so close to each other that he could see every strand of hair on her face. She was beautifully crafted by someone out of this world.

- I only wanted to tease you in a friendly way, you know?

'This isn't right, and you know it. She is going to suffer alongside you if you continue to lie about what you have done to her.'

Chester lightly pulled her away.

- Mandy. You know I can't be with you.

Mandy felt herself struggling to breathe properly the moment he said those words.

'He's distancing himself again!'

- But why can't you? You stopped doing drugs for me, and you're recovering. Why can't we be together?

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