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It was 2:30 in the morning, and Chester had school tomorrow. He was going insane. Chester was on his bed, and his hands were on his stomach as if he were ready to receive an open casket. This was it. He was dying from the urge to snort crack. Chester laughed at himself. He'd tried to get some sleep, but something was keeping him awake. It was as if Chester was caught between his thoughts. He was still going to come off clean for Mandy. Chester tucked himself inside his bed and tried to sleep.


He was still awake. Well, if he couldn't sleep, he could do something to pass the time. At first Chester tried to entertain himself, but then he quickly got bored. Chester decided to think about things in his bed as he tried to fall asleep. First, he thought about what to do with the biggest problem. Taking on a whole gang of thugs. He wasn't peaceful, so he decided to think about something else. Chester thought about his decisions and how he kept messing up.

      'Maybe this is why mom got killed.'

Chester was feeling worse and worse by the minute until he thought about Mandy. He thought about what happened yesterday and how he hurt her. But... little by little, he started thinking about the fun he had with her and the way she opened up to him. He thought of her warm embrace and her face buried deep inside his chest. He felt himself drifting off to sleep to the thought of Mandy hugging him. The next day, Chester woke up to the sound of his alarm next to his bed. He couldn't open his eyes. They were hurting. He slowly got up, blinking his eyes really quickly. He turned off his alarm and got up. Chester rubbed his eyes. They were bright red.

'What was Mandy going to think when she saw him like this?'

She was going to think he drugged himself. Chester went towards the bathroom. He looked around him, only to find that there was no one in the house. He brushed his teeth. He was truly in his worst condition. Chester leaned on the sink for support as he was dizzy. He didn't even know how long he slept. He spit into the sink and washed his face. Chester looked at himself. His eyes were bloodshot red, and he was teary-eyed. He wasn't going to make it through school today, and he knew it. Chester folded his pajamas. He dressed up in his clothes for today and left the house. He locked the front door and didn't bother to think about how his father would get home. Chester walked to school. He was also rubbing his on the way there. As he was almost to his school, he stopped by at the bakery to rest up and drink something. He'd need strong coffee if he was going to get through today.

- Hello again, young man. Wow, you look horrible today.

Chester said nothing as he left a few coins at the counter. He said:

- Coffee. Strong.

- Coming right up, but before you only buy just coffee, consider buying it with chocolate croissant to feel a little more refreshed and ready for the day.

- Sure, whatever. How much would I need to pay for the croissant?

- Don't worry, it's on the house.

Chester took his coffee and croissant and left. Halfway through opening the door, he said:

- Thanks.

- Don't mention it.

Chester walked through the front. The weather was a little cloudy today, but it wasn't going to rain. He continued walking while eating his croissant. He hadn't eaten since yesterday. He was basically a live corpse walking around. Good thing he didn't smell bad. That would certainly be ten times worse than not eating since the start of the day. He still needs to sell the rest of the crack while being careful with not being caught by the police. Speak of the devil.

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