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It's been a week already, and Mandy still couldn't get in touch with Chester. He had been steadily avoiding her, even in school. In every class, he would just avoid any contact with her at all. To make it worse, every time she tried to talk with him, he would just ignore her and pretend to be looking at his phone. She was going crazy from his lack of communication. Mandy also noticed that he had a small cut on his forehead, which escalated her questions even further. Why didn't he want to talk to her!? They still had 4 lessons to go before she could go home. She hoped that she could talk to Chester and actually see him. Mandy wasn't mad at him or something like that. She was actually furious at him because he kept avoiding her questions. Class ended, and Chester was the first to leave the classroom as always. They had english the next lesson. Mandy felt her vein burst a bit from anger.

'This time, you won't escape.'

Mandy followed behind him quickly. She was trailing him from behind, and he knew but didn't respond to her. Chester turned towards an empty hallway where students weren't coming for classes. Mandy followed behind him. He stopped. She continued to walk towards him. She really wanted to slap him.

- You!

Mandy raised her arm at him and slapped him. Chester felt her soft hand land on his cheek.

- You coward! Running away from me as always!

Chester still didn't react to her little tantrum. He was ready to leave but was stopped by Mandy. She held onto him, and just as he was about to escape from her, she hit him again. This time, the sound made an echo. It actually hurt this time. Her nails also left a few marks on his cheek. He stopped in his tracks.

- Listen to me damn it!

Chester still looked unamused by her.

- Why did you attack mom?

Mandy was surprised because Chester spoke.

- I didn't.

- You're lying to me again. She said that you threw a cup at her and missed.

Chester was getting a bit pissed off by her.

- Yeah, sure, Mandy! And how would you explain why I got a faint bruise on my forehead and a cut from the cup, I 'threw' at your mother?

'She lied to her?'

- But, but she said that you...

- No! I didn't do anything to her! Now please just let me go.

Mandy felt even more furious about him wanting to leave her. Mandy kept a tight grip on his hand. She felt herself becoming even more heated with Chester. Mandy spoke up.

- You still want to walk away from me! Why is that Chester?! Is it because you're afraid to answer me about why you bit and raped me?! Is that it?!

Now she crossed the line. Chester felt himself stop in his tracks. He felt his blood beginning to boil.

- I would never, EVER! Do that to you!

- Well then, explain it?! Why have I got a hickey on my neck?!

- Just let me go.

- You're running away again!

Mandy repeated her question to him again.

- Why have I got a hickey on my neck, Chester?!

They were starting classes in a minute, and Mandy had a broken nail. Chester, in return, had a few nail marks on his face from the slap she gave him. The tension was rising quickly, and Chester didn't know what to answer her.

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