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Chester took another smoke of the cigar and left it on the ashtray while sipping his coffee. He looked down at the cigarette ashtray, and then his eyes trailed towards his hand. He saw that his knuckles were bruised. Chester felt the pain from the hits he received from Edgar. When he was finished up with his cigar and his regular black coffee that he liked, he stood up and washed up the cup, and threw away the ash in the trash along with the cigars that were smoked almost all the way through. Chester left the house with his keys and began to walk somewhere else. He was walking towards a bar of some sort. When he walked in, the strangers looked at him and then resumed drinking or gambling. He sat on one of the wooden chairs near some guys playing cards. Chester had played cards and knew some things. He looked around the room. Its scent of cigars and liquor was intoxicating. The lights were dim, and the smoke from the cigars was making the room look foggy and engulfed in smoke. Chester liked it here.

- I'm pretty sure kids like you aren't allowed here.

Chester looked up at the stranger who was talking to him. He caught the scent of his new jacket that he wore and the cologne he had on him. He looked straight at him and said:

- Leave me be.

The stranger looked at him, and Chester looked away as he took out a cigar pack and lighter. He tried to start the lighter, but it was soaked on the way here along with the cigar pack. Chester gave up and threw the lighter away.

- You should leave. The bar is closing up soon.

'A bar closing up so soon?'

Chester said nothing and stared. He wasn't looking at anything in particular. He was just staring. He felt a hand on his shoulder and another on his right arm, and then he was pulled, but Chester pushed away, and the stranger ended up falling towards a table. They looked angrily at the guy falling on them, and one of them stood up as the rest were in the middle of standing up. A loud voice was heard.

-HEY!! No fighting after 1 am!

Chester looked confused and backed up a bit.

This wasn't a normal bar.


Mandy looked around. She was home. It had been a week already since she lost her memory. She was going to school with her father now, because she didn't know the road to her school yet. Mandy looked around. It was very cloudy today, and a very grayish tone was around the atmosphere. They had talked about what happened to her, and she didn't really understand where this Chester guy tied into her. She hadn't even met him first. Her father pulled up to her school and looked at her.

- Do NOT talk with Chester. You got it?

- I got it already. I won't talk to him.

Mandy said as she opened the door of the car and walked towards her school. She entered and looked at the note her father gave her for finding her class. Mandy found the class she was in and entered. She sat down and set her things. Mandy looked around.

There he was. Arms rested on his desk and his face, looking straight ahead. He had bruises on his face, and his knuckles were red. Chester also had stiches done on his lip and a black spot on his cheek. He was beaten up and looked much different when she first saw him.

'No wonder dad said to stay away from him.'


That bar he was in was no ordinary place.
He was told about this through the bartender, who was a massive guy. He was called Frank. Chester asked if he could get money from his, and the big guy said that half of what was bet on him was going to him and the other half to the owners of this place. This wasn't very legal, and Chester knew this by the fact that he made him sign a document about the release of liability, but it was a way you could make money, so Chester didn't care. You could fight from 12 to 1 am. Three to four fights were allowed, with each being 15 minutes or so, but half of the time, most of them didn't last 5 minutes, so there was plenty of time and participants of all ages to fight. It was a betting place centered around betting money on who would win in a fight

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