♥♥♥ Chase Davenport X Diana: Best Friends and More ♥♥♥

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~*~ In The School Halls at Mission Creek ~*~

Adam, Chase, Leo, and Marcus are chatting during free time between classes. The atmosphere is casual and relaxed.

Adam: So, who's got plans for the weekend?

Chase: Not much, probably just catch up on some projects.

Leo: I might hit the skate park if the weather holds up.

Marcus: I don't know yet. Maybe hang out with some friends.

As they chat, Diana, the most popular girl in school, strolls by. Marcus notices her and nudges Chase.

Marcus: Hey, isn't that Diana?

Chase: Yeah, that's her.

Marcus: She's cute. I think I'm gonna go introduce myself.

Marcus approaches Diana and strikes up a conversation.

Diana:(smiling) Hey there.

Marcus: Hi, I'm Marcus. I was wondering if you'd like to hang out sometime, maybe catch a movie?

Diana: Sorry, I don't do dates.

Diana then notices Adam, Leo, and Chase and walks over to them.

Diana: Hey, guys!

Chase grins as Diana sits on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Chase: Hey, Diana.

Chase hugs her close, kissing her neck affectionately. Diana returns the gesture, kissing his cheek before addressing him.

Diana: Do you have any free time after school today, Chase?

Chase: Always for you, Di. What did you have in mind?

Diana gets up, taking Chase's hand and pulling him towards the yard.

Diana: You'll see. It's a surprise.

Marcus looks at Chase in awe.

Marcus: How did you do that?

Chase: Diana's my best friend. I don't keep secrets from her.

Adam and Leo exchange a knowing look, understanding the dynamic between Chase and Diana.

Adam: Guess we heard that right.

Leo: Chase and Diana, huh? Who would've thought?

Chase follows Diana, a content smile on his face as they disappear from the hallway.

Chase: (to himself) Wouldn't have it any other way.

Chase Davenport X OC (Diana)  || One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now