Cap. 1 - Mister Bridgerton is back

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'' I would never dream of courting Penelope Fetherington. '' - said Colin looking at the other gentelman on his right - '' Not in your wildest fantasies, Fife. '' - laughed and took a sip of brandy while the other gentelmen laughted -


Lady Whistledown's Paper Society

Dearest Gentle readers,

This author missed you all. Last season was a very energetic and interesting season with a lot of love, laughter, and drama.

While we talk about love, we have to remember the beautiful wedding that took place between the Viscount Anthony Bridgerton and Miss Kate Sharma. The happy couple have been out for their honeymoon, and we are expecting good news from them soon, and by good news, I mean a baby.

If we want to talk about laughter and drama, this author heard a rather hard comment made by Mister Colin Bridgerton at the end of last season. Mr. Bridgerton said clearly and sharply that he would never think about courting Miss Penelope Featherington. That would not have been that harsh if he hadn't said it in front of other gentelmen, cutting any chance for poor young Featherington to marry, not that she was ever courted before.

Yours truly, Lady Whistledown

London, 1815


Violet: '' Oh, dear God, I cannot believe Colin said that! '' -she said while reading the paper. '' Have you seen this? '' -she said, looking up to Anthony, who was fixing his tie-

Anthony: '' Mamma, you know I do not read that paper. That lady gets on my nerves with her gossip'' - said without interest-

Violet: '' She wrote about your brother. '' -said getting up and giving the paper to Anthony-

Anthony: '' Bened...'' -said while looking down at the paper and reading the text- '' Colin?!'' -said irritated- '' I really cannot believe he said that especially about Penelope.'' -said throwing the paper on the small table next to him -

Eloise: ''What about Penelope?'' -she said while entering the room-

Violet: '' Your brother made a rather harsh comment about Penelope last season, and Whistledown wrote it in the paper. ''

Eloise: '' What? '' - she moved forward and took the paper- '' This woman is publishing again? '' - she said and started reading-

Anthony: '' We should stop buying this paper and believe everything it says. '' - said and went to sit next to his wife - '' She wrote a lot of things about Kate and I last season, mostly bad things. ''

Eloise: '' All true, though...'' -she said, looking at Anthony, whose face got very serious- '' I said it with love. Still...''—looks at the mother—'' I seriously do not believe Colin said those words about Penelope. Even if we are not friends anymore, I know Colin considers her a friend. I don't know why she wrote this, Lady Whiseldown, I mean. '' -said, leaving the paper on the table-

Violet: '' I will write to Colin personally and ask about this. We need to focus now on Francesca's debut. '' - she said, sitting on her -

In the meantime, while the Bridgertons were having this conversation, Colin Bridgerton, the most fascinating man of the moment, was getting out of a carriage in front of Bridgerton House. He was coming back home after a long time out of the country.

From her window, Prudence Featherington witnessed this scene and yelled it to the whole family who gathered next to her, all of them but Penelope.

Portia: '' That man and his words put this family to shame. '' -said with indignation-

Penelope: '' He put me to shame, not all of us. '' - said while she was looing at the book she was reading-

Portia: '' He put all of us to shame. Gentelmen won't look at your sister the same way. We already have been through a lot last season.''

Penelope: '' Sure, this is about her. '' - said softly-

Portia: '' What did you say? ''

Penelope: '' I need to go to the modiste. I have to get the dresses that I ordered.'' -said getting up-

Portia: '' Yes, go! '' - said and turned, looking out the window while Penelope went out-

Colin was entering the drawing room of Bridgerton's house.

Colin: ''Why do I hear my name when I am not here? '' he said, smiling.

Anthony: '' Brother! '' - said getting up - '' You are back! ''- said while going to hug him-

Everybody gathers around to hug him. Eloise was the last one to hug him and give him the paper they were reading.

Eloise: '' It's not only us that mentioned you.'' - said, looking at Colin, who was reading the paper-

Colin: '' Oh God...'' -said in a sad voice-

Violet: '' Colin, is that true? You said those words about Penelope? ''

Colin: ''I..I mean...'' -said blunderingly. ''I did, but I did not mean it like that.''-looked at his mother, who looked disappointed.

Violet: '' Oh, Colin...'' -said, leaving the room-

Colin: '' I made a mess, but I did not mean it like that.'' - said, looking at his brother-

Anthony: '' Alright, let's get ready now. Francesca debuts today, and we all need to be there to support her. ''

All Bridgertons got ready and left together for the debut ceremony of Francesca. It was beautiful because, as Daphne, Francesca made an amazing impression on The Queen, even though she was not named the diamond of the season. The Queen once again did not name a diamond of the season at the ceremony.

Colin stood there, and for a minimum of a second, he remembered that he stood there while Penelope debuted. He was feeling so guilty for what he said, his words might have caused the ruin of his friend and also the ruin of their friendship.


Let me know if you like it. I might have some grammatical mistakes, but hope you can forgive me for that.

Let me know if i should keep writing this story. Waiting your comments.

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