Cap.25 - Engagement ball

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After spending such an intense, passionate, and love-filled moment together, Penelope and Colin went back to their respective homes. Penelope could not sleep through the night because she had never imagined love could be so intense. She was ecstatic and she now knew Colin genuinely cared for her.

The following morning, both mothers were together and planning every detail of the engagement celebration, which was scheduled to take place that evening. Penelope went to the modiste with Eloise in the meantime. As they were finalizing their dress fittings, Cressida's arrival rudely interrupted them.

Cressida: '' Good day, ladies! Getting ready for the big event?''

Eloise: '' Good day, Cressida! Indeed, we are.''

Cressida: ''I haven't seen you in a long time, Eloise, but I guess it's because your future sister is taking up all of your time'' -said glancing at Penelope- '' I wonder how you managed to get your hands on such a worthy gentleman as Colin Bridgerton?''

Penelope: ''Cressida, I'm not sure what you mean.''

Cressida: ''I ought to be more explicit then. It is evident that this is not a love match. How did you fool him into this?'' - asked mocking her-

Eloise: ''Cressida, you are completely incorrect. It is a love match, my brother is completely smitten with Penelope and has done everything in his power to win her over.''

Cressida: '' Really? I cannot imagine that, but if you say so.''

Penelope: ''Your remarks, Cressida, have no effect on me; I am aware that they are all motivated by envy. You've been attempting to get a decent gentleman for three years, and you've even tried with Colin, but you've had no luck. To be honest, I think you could find a nice man eventually if you were more friendly to people.''

Cressida: "I shall go; I will let you to your fitting. I'll see you tonight at the ball.'' -she turned around and walked away-

Eloise: '' Sometimes, I do not understand her. She was nice to me all this time, I do not understand her dislike towards you.''

Penelope: '' I do not care about her and her mean comments. I am living the best moment of my life, it won't be shadowed by Cressida.''

Eloise: ''I appreciate your confidence, Pen. I think my brother was involved in that.''

Penelope smiled and nodded. Been loved by Colin, knowing he loves her give her all the confidance she's been missing. They returned to their houses to get ready for the ball. 

Colin was in his study reviewing his journals. When Penelope read it, she told him that she liked his writing. Now, knowing who she is and how much talent she has for writing, he really wanted her to read them, give him her thoughts, even though parts of his recollections would not be suitable for her to see. He needed to make a thoughtful decision since he wanted to allow her to read them. Perhaps that would be an engagement gift.

Penelope was in her room looking throught her Lady Whisteldown's work. She did no write an article in so long and she did not intend to write again, but she missed it. She began removing all of her articles and placing them in a large box. Her days as Lady Whisteldown were coming to an end, but was she prepared to give up writing? She wanted to get married, she wanted to become Colin's wife but was she ready to be just that?

After putting the box under her bed, she proceeded to her desk where her maid appeared to assist her in getting dressed. She was wearing a light pink dress with sleeves decorated with flowers. She left the rest of her hair loose and used a floral pin to secure the right section. She will live a full and contented life by Colin's side, giving herself to him completely.

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