Cap. 10 - I would have married you in a heartbeat

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After admitting her feelings for Colin to Eloise for the first time, Penelope felt a great sense of relief. She was confident that she wouldn't reveal that to Colin. She made the decision to leave the house and stop thinking about anything. Despite all the rumors surrounding her, she won't stay inside. She was used to criticism.

She chose to wear a light purple dress and arrange her hair in a low ponytail. Her maid accompanied her for her walk on the park.

Meanwhile, Colin showed up at White's and sat down with some gentlemen. He stayed there, listening to the other man's chat, and ordered a drink. He was thinking about himself, pretty seriously.

Lord Fife: '' What about you, Bridgerton? ''

Colin: '' What about me?''

Lord Fife: "Are you thinking about getting married soon?" - asked as he sipped from his drink-

Colin: '' No, of course not. I am still young, I have all the time to find a decent wife and get married.''

Baron Berbrooke: '' So, it is not true what Whisteldown wrote, you are not courting the Featherington girl?''

Colin: '' I am not courting her.''

Lord Fife: '' Of course he is not, he already told us he would never court her.''

Colin: '' I did not intend it that way,'' he muttered, glaring at Lord Fife.

Lord Fife: '' How did you intend it? ''

Colin: ''Anyone who marries Penelope Featherington will be really fortunate. She is a wonderful, intelligent, and humorous young woman.''

Baron Berbrooke: ''This season, she has definitely improved her style. It is true that she is a pretty young lady, in my opinion.''

Colin: '' She is beautiful... '' -said in a whisper-

Baron Berbrooke: ''Pardon me?'' -he looked at him, unable to hear his comment-

Colin: "I have to head out; I have some business to attend to."

He rose and walked out of the gentleman's club. He had to see Penelope.He needed to discuss their kiss with her. He did not want to apologize anymore, all he wanted to do was talk about it and try to comprehend both her and his feelings.

As the carriage went down the boulevard on his way back to his house, he was able to catch a glimpse of Penelope strolling in the park with her maid. He ordered the carriage to stop and wait there. He jumped out and he headed to meet Penelope.

Penelope was strolling along, unaware of Colin's presence, until she heard his voice and turned to look him in the eye.

Colin: '' Miss Featherington!'' -he bowed and she bowed as well-

Penelope: '' Mister Bridgerton! - looked down- '' What a surprise to meet you here.''

Colin: ''May I speak with you briefly?'' -stated as he approached her.

Penelope: '' Sure, please tell me. '' 

Colin: '' Alone? '' -said looking at her maid-

Penelope glanced at Colin, startled, then turned to face her maid. The maid nodded, understood what Penelope was requesting, and left giving them some alone time.

Penelope: "Colin, what would you like to talk about?"

Colin: "I apologize for Whisteldown's writing."

Penelope: '' There is no need, Colin. I am used to it. ''

Colin: "It's not right, you shouldn't be. I won't put up with her painting you in a negative light.''

Penelope: '' She put you too in a bad position.''

Colin: '' I am a man, it is not the same.'' -he went nearer to her and catching sight of her blue eyes.-

Penelope: "I was actually relieved that she had not written anything else." -said with embarrassment, lowering her gaze-

Colin: '' You mean what happened in the garden. '' 

Penelope: '' I'm simply relieved no one witnessed that scene. That would have been the ruin of me.''

Colin: '' Why? '' -said confused-

Penelope: '' You are asking me why? '' -she asked, sounding skeptical '' If we were caught in that situation, I would have got to skip town forever and not show my face in society ever again. ''

Colin: ''I would never let it happen, Penelope. Without a doubt, I would have married you in a heartbeat.''

Penelope froze, staring at him. He meant it, sincerely.

Penelope: "Colin, I would never have accepted that. Anyway, it is not the case and we are lucky.''

Colin was observing her with mild curiosity. Even if they were caught kissing, she declared she would not marry him.

Penelope: "And I can assure you that nothing like that will ever happen again.''

Colin: ''Yes, that is evident. I apologize for, well, you get the idea.''

Penelope: '' No, I am sorry for asking.'' -said laughing nervously-

Colin: '' Don't apologize.'' -said smiling-

Penelope: '' You did it..''

Colin: ''I did, but you don't have to.'' -chuckled

Penelope: '' It would be wise to keep our distance for now. We can't continue the lessons.''

Colin: '' You think?''

Penelope: '' You don't?''

Colin: '' I do, yes. But, I am still your friend and I wish you nothing but full happiness.''

Penelope: '' I wish you the same, Colin. If I sicure a proposal will be because of you.''

Colin: ''No, Pen, it would be because of you. You are wonderful; have faith in yourself.''

Penelope flushed and burst into a nervous laugh.

Penelope: '' I better go before anyone see us. ''

Penelope smiled at him and the left quickly leaving Colin standing alone there, in the middle of the park, thinking how that day could have turned out differently.

He returned home and made his way to his room. He preferred the light of the moon, therefore he didn't light any candles. He peered through his bedroom window. His residence was not too far from the Featherington residence. Though he had always known that his room faced Penelope's, he was never curious to notice it before. The candles in her room were lighten. He stood there for a long time, reflecting on everything that had transpired between them during the previous two days. That kiss completely changed his perspective and caused him to wonder about his own aims and aspirations.

He observed Penelope's form sitting on her chiar after the window of her room opened. He was unable to comprehend what she was doing, even though it appeared as though she was writing or reading. He stood there for some moment until a knock on the door interrupte him. He moved aside from the window as his mother came in.

Violet: '' Why are you staying in the dark?'' -said in a soft voice while approching him-

Colin: ''I was going to light a candle.'' - stated and carried out the action.

Violet: '' Are you well, Colin? You did not ate with us tonight.''

Colin: '' I was just not hungry.'' -said as he sat on the couch-

Violet: "So, you're definitely not feeling well." -said an proceeded to sit next to him- "Is there anything bothering you?"

Colin: '' No, of course not . I am just fine. ''

Violet: "Are you certain? If you need to talk, I'm here to listen.''

Colin: "Mother, may I ask you a question?"

Violet: '' Of course.'' -smiled, there was nothing Violet loved more than be there for her children-

Colin: '' How did you and father understood that it was more than a frienship between you?''

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