Cap. 9 - I have been in love with Colin for years

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Penelope threw herself back onto the bed, her thoughts instantly returning to Colin's kiss. There was nothing, nothing at all, going on around her that concerned her. She would never kiss Colin again, but there was nothing that could make her smile but his kiss.

Colin had a very turbulent night because he kept dreaming about Penelope's lips. Her scent made him breathe heavily, and the tender, gentle kiss they exchanged had him twisting and turning in bed. His need for her was overwhelming; he needed more of her. When did he become dependent on her? How does he feel about her? Is it only man instinct, mere passion? Is there possibly more?

He got out of bed and put on his clothes. With the idea of greeting his family in the drawing room and then going to Penelope's residence to apologize for last night, he made his way there.

Colin: '' Good morning family!''

Benedict: '' You slept out late. '' -commented while reading the newspaper-

Colin: "Did I?" he said, glancing at him before noticing Lady Whisteldown's paper on the table. "What new gossip did she wrote this time?" he asked, scooping up the page.

Benedict: ''Not much, same, Penelope.'' -spoken theatrically -

Colin: '' '' -exclaimed and began to read cautiously.

Violet: '' It is not funny, Benedict.'' -stated as she approached them- '' Colin, you need to take a step back from Penelope. You are bringing her into disgrace. That girl is deserving of better.''

Colin closed the page and inhaled deeply. He was terrified that someone would witness them sharing a kiss last night and that it would ruin her forever.He didn't want to be Penelope's downfall, but he can't help but be drawn to her.

Colin: '' Mother, we are friends.''

Eloise: '' What happened last night that made Lady Whisteldown talk about you? ''

Colin: '' Why don't you ask her directly? '' -Colin looked at Eloise and remarked- '' "Oh, wait, you are not friends anymore which leaves her friendless." -said with a hint of cynicism - '' Mother, nothing extraordinary occurred. People enjoy misinterpreting situations and spreading rumors. I consider Penelope to be a close friend of the family as well as a good friend of mine.''

Eloise: '' Except for me, right? '' -stated while storming out of the room-

Violet: "My dear, the reason I am telling you is because we all like Penelope. She truly wants to get married this year, and the scandals in Lady Whisteldown's paper won't help her.''

Benedict: '' Unless you want to marry her? '' -said grinning at him-

Benedict discussed marrying Penelope, and Colin flushed. He had never considered that, but now he was considering what his life might be like if Penelope were to become his wife. It will undoubtedly be really intense.

Colin: "What? No, I won't. She would never want to marry me. That is absolutely absurd.'' -stated, before getting up to excuse himself and exiting the room-

Benedict: '' There is still chance. '' -said laughing-

Violet: '' Benedict...'' -

Benedict: '' What? He didn't say he wouldn't. She wouldn't, he said. '' -said amused-

After leaving the house, Colin started to head toward Penelope's place, but Eloise stopped him.

Eloise: '' Brother, where are you going?" -asked Eloise- '' Why can't you just let her be?''

Colin: '' What is it to you, Eloise? ''

Eloise: '' We might not be friends anymore, but I do care for Penelope and I hope for her to find happiness.''

Colin: "I hope that as well."

Eloise: '' Then stop getting her in scandals. I saw the scene that Lady Whisteldown described, and it appeared like you two were getting close.''

Colin: "I just wanted to help her; we're friends."

Eloise: '' Are you interested in her? ''

Colin: "What are you trying to say?"

Eloise: "Colin, would you court her?"

Colin simply shook his head in response, but Eloise did not take it as a response. Taking Eloise's advice, he chose not to visit Penelope's. Perhaps it was for the best. He wanted to apologize for the kiss because that was the right thing to do, but he was not sorry for the kiss. He would kiss her again in a heartbeat, damn it.

Colin: '' Tell mother I will go to White's. ''- said and called the carriage leaving his house-

After watching him go, Eloise crossed the street and headed for Penelope's residence. The majordom was so accustomed to her presence that she escorted her straight to Penelope's bedroom. Eloise interrupted Penelope while she was writing a letter to Marina.

Penelope: ''Eloise'' -exclaimed in shock and rose from the chair-

Eloise: '' ''Writing another Whisteldown? '' -cynically stated-

Penelope: ''My intention was to write to Marina, honestly. She has been somewhat ill lately.''

Eloise: '' And you care? After what you did to her? ''

Penelope: '' What do you want, Eloise?'' - asked-

Eloise: '' I read the Wisteldown this morning and so did Colin. He was coming here to talk to you but I stopped him.''

Penelope: '' Very well. '' -said with gravity before returning to her chair-

Eloise: "I know you're friends, but do you realize this friendship is bringing you nothing but scandals?" -asked Eloise-

Penelope: "Neither Colin nor I did anything wrong last night."

Eloise: ''You should keep your distance from him. This is inappropriate, as people will begin to speculate that you two are courting.''

Penelope: '' Would that be so horrible? For you brother to court me?''

Eloise: ''Obviously, it would. Is it necessary for me to remind you that you lead two different lives?''

Penelope: "Eloise, don't worry; even if that's all I ever wanted, your brother would never court me."

Eloise opened her eyes wide in the hopes that she misinterpreted what Penelope had said.

Eloise: '' Excuse me?''

Penelope: ''You got me exactly right. Since the day I met Colin, I have been in love with him, and I know he would never be interested in me. After acknowledging it, I moved on. He's just a friend, and I want to hang on to him since I haven't had many lately.''

Eloise: ''Why are you telling me this now?'' -said, shocked.

Penelope: '' I have the courge to admit it now and I want you to know it. Even though I knew Colin before you, I felt like I was betraying you by having feeling for your brother. Now, you know everything about me.''

Penelope: '' This is too much, Penelope. '' -stated turning around-

Eloise directed herself to the door and paused. She turned around and glanced at Penelope.

Eloise: "I would have supported you and would have loved to see you with my brother, only if I had known about this prior to learning about your double identity, but now..."

Penelope: ''El, you knew. Don't claim you didn't see it. You denied it, but it was obvious.''

Eloise walked out of her room without responding.

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