Cap.24 - You surpass all my expectations

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Colin: '' Never compare yourself to other women. You are wonderful in my eyes, you have all the attributes I ever searched for. ''

Penelope turned to face him.

Penelope: '' Should we continue what we started in the carriage? '' -asked with a wicked light into her eyes while she was running her hands down to his chest down to his waist - '' You said I had not seen half of it. '' -smiled. '' I would like to fully understand what you mean..''

Colin: '' Pen...we can wait until we are married.'' -murmured stroking her cheek and-

Penelope: "Would you like to wait?"

Colin: '' Hell no! '' -said loudly and she laughted- ''But I do want to be a gentleman, at least when it comes to this.''

Penelope: "Colin, you really are a gentleman. You have always been, and nothing that has transpired between us has changed that. I understand if you would prefer not to proceed.'' -she removed her hand from his waist-

Colin: '' There is nothing I desire more than to love you in every way possible.'' - leaned forward, grasped the back of her neck, and pulled her into a soft kiss and then pulled away to glance into her eyes- "What are your understanding of the actions that take place between couples on their wedding night?"

Penelope: "Mama never spoke much, she only emphasized that the woman should keep motionless under the man and allow him his pleasure. -lowered her glance due to her shyness- '' Somehow, I do not understand how that is the only way since, until now, I did not see you having your pleasure.''

Glancing across at her, Colin grinned. Portia Featherington gave her daughter an explanation of intimacy that was particular but inaccurate. He believed that she was undoubtedly not in a happy marriage and that her marriage was not based on love, therefore she did not knew better.

Colin grabbed Penelope's chin and lifted his head to look at him.

Colin: ''Trust me, I experienced a lot of pleasure seen you like a saw you in the carrige, seeing you reach so much extasy.'' -smiled, making her blush -''Let's forget what your mother said, and let's forget what I said earlier.'' -said, turning her to face the mirror -''I need you, I want you, and I do not want to wait. ''

His fingers moved from her cheek to her neck, across her breasts, and finally to her waist. Sticking her back to his body, he dragged her in closer. He raised his hands to her sholders and lowered her dress so he was able to have acces to her naked sholders. His hands began to unhook her corset as he leaned closer and kissed her collarbone.

The dress fell down to reveal her breasts as soon as the corset was unhooked. He looked up and his dark blue eyes connected with hers through the mirror and she instantly flushed.

Colin: '' You are so beautiful, Penelope ! '' -mouned- '' I imagined your body in a lot of different ways, but you surpass all my expectations.''

His hands moved smoothly over her breasts. When Penelope closed her eyes, she could feel his hands tracing over her chest, abdomen, and waist. He pushed her dress down with both hands, causing it to drop to the ground.

He observed her through the mirror, his hands wrapped her breasts, one in each palm, and he rubbed them softly. As Colin was gently massaging her breast and biting one of her sholders, she gasped for breath. She felt wicked at that very moment and felt as though her entire body were on fire, yet she didn't feel ashamed in the slightest when Colin looked at her.

Colin: "I love to hear my name from your lips, mouning in excitement." -murmured, rubbing into her neck and swiftly stroking her nub; causing her legs to tremble and requiring her to hold onto his waist with both hands to keep from collapsing.

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