Cap. 5 - I have faith in you

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Colin: '' Friends or not?''

Penelope extended her hand and shaked his hand in a strong squeeze. They exchanged intense glances. Colin never touched her hand unless she was wearing gloves. Her skin was smooth, soft. Her handshake was firm. Her eyes were blue, similar to the color of the sea he saw in Greece. She was beautiful. It wasn't until then that Colin discovered that.

Penelope: "Friends!" -spoken gently-

For a brief moment, Colin held her hand in his and grinned at her. She smiled back and easaly removed her hand from his.

Penelope: ''Colin, how are you going to help me?"

Colin: ''I should discuss that later, but I have some thoughts. Could we get together in the park in a few hours?

Penelope: '' That could be possible. I'll just inform my mother that I'm heading to the modista. ''

Colin: '' Perfect. '' he smiled '' I will meet you there, Pen!''

Colin bid her farewell with a bow before turning around and walking out of sight, leaving her smiling. With the hand that felt Colin's touch, Colin's skin, she softly touched her lips.

After finishing her reading, Penelope walked back inside to tell her mother that she needed to have a fitting for her new wardrobe. Penelope rebuffed her mother's insistence that she should wear more vibrant colors, and Portia gave up on the idea.

A few hours later, Penelope and Colin were strolling along the park's ally. She was wearing a mint green dress with a fairly generous drain that she had never used before. Although she had sufficiently altered her look, her lack of confidence persisted.

Penelope: ''Now, Mr. Bridgerton, how shall we begin this lesson?

Colin: "First thing first, no more Mr. Bridgerton, please." said looking at her 

Penelope: '' Forgive me, but I find it difficult to address you as Colin."

Colin: '' Why is that? You have always called me by my name. You've never referred to me as Mr. Bridgerton. That makes me feel strange and gives me the impression that you are still angry with me.''

Penelope: '' I am not angry anymore, but to be honest, I am still disappointed in you.''

Colin: ''It makes sense, but believe me, Pen, I sincerely apologize for my remarks, since I truly don't feel that way about you. Since we were young, you have played a significant role in my life. I look for you in crowded places, I appreciate our chats, and I enjoy laughing and chatting with you. I don't want to lose you! '' he exclaimed, halting as they both met eyes.

Colin's eyes, that amazing dark shade of blue, were full of regrets.He came to the realization that he might have just lost his friend, the one persone that made him question himself, the person who was unconditionally there for him, pushing him to follow his dreams. Yes, perhaps there was some truth to his statement that he had never considered courting Penelope—not because he didn't think she deserved to be courted, but rather because he had never given it any thought.

Penelope: '' I need time, Colin, but trust me, if this idea of yours to help me find a good suiter will work, you will gaine back my respect and friendship.''

Respect? Colin never gave that much thought. It pains that she no longer respected him. She respected him and and he disrespected her when he spoke so badly about her. Penelope turned her head and began to move. Colin instantly trailed after her.

Colin:''Excellent. I'll give it my all. You are deserving of the greatest happiness possible.

Penelope: "What is your plan, Colin?" she asked, interrupting their previous exchange.

Colin: '' I need to see your skills as they are.''

Colin looked to Penelope as she stopped moving.

Penelope: " Colin, I've got no skills.''

Colin: '' Men are simple, all you have to do is smile, wave your fan, and bat your eyelashes."

Penelope: '' Should I try it with you?''

Colin: '' No, not me. I have a better idea. '' he said, nodding toward a gathering of men in the distance.

Penelope gave Colin a somewhat tense look, but she still followed him as they approached the gentlemen. Colin lowered his head to say hello. Penelope quickly opened her fan and began fanning herself. Colin gave her a quick glance before addressing the genttelmen.

Colin: ''Gentelmen, I take that you are acquainted with Miss Featherington already?"

The males nodded and looked at Penelope, who was fanning herself and fluttering her eyelashes in a frenetic manner. Colin did not know what to say or do. She was blushing and was not able to say one word. Colin excused himself with the gentlemen and together with Penelope started to walk away.

Colin: "That was," he said, pausing to come up with a phrase to express the experience.

Penelope: ''Bad? Embarassing? Horrible? '' she blurted out.

Colin: '' Pen...'' said, attempting to stop her.

Penelope: '' I am sorry, Colin! I embarrassed you once again. '' said sad

Colin: '' Penelope, no!'' he said serious and gently grabbing her arm to stop her from moving and forcing her to turn to face him '' You do not embarass me, do no say that again.'' he urged '' I put you on a spot there without prior preparation and I apologize for that.

Penelope: "I am a lost cause; you don't have to apologize."

Colin: '' You are not a lost cause, you just need to open up more. You were never put in the position to interact with other gentlemen beside the one you already know well, like my brothers or myself. You used to spend your time at the ball with my sister hiding away. It is normal to be shy around different people. We will start working from there.''

Penelope: '' Do you really believe you can help me, Colin? After all you saw today? ''

Colin: '' Yes, I do. I've discovered through all of my travels that bravery and charm can be learned. You pick things up quickly, and I have faith in you." he remarked with a smile.

Colin returned home after accompanying Penelope home. Returning to his room, he considered how he could assist Penelope. She is quite quiet and reserved, and she has a lot to learn. She was never that way around him, though. They always had plenty to talk about, she made him laugh, and they had enjoyable exchanges.

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