Cap.30 - Happy I'm in love with my best friend

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The dance ended and the married couple approched their families. They told them that they would like to retire citing fatigue as an excuse. When Anthony snorted in laughter, they realized that no one believed them, but what did it matter. They were newly wed, very much in love with each other. They just wanted to be alone and show all this love in ways that cannot be mentioned out loud.

They entered the carrige and were driven to their Bloomsbury home, which will serve as their permanent residence going forward. Colin could not take his eyes off Penelope. She exudes a certain brightness and, if it were possible, seems even more gorgeous than before. Placing his hand on hers, he began to climb up her arm until he reached her neck. She grinned as she gave him a look.

Penelope: '' Colin, we will arrive home soon.'' -spoke with comprehension of his intention-

Colin: '' So? Shall I refrain from touching my wife before we get home?'' -said lowering his hand to her chest-

Penelope: '' We are on a carrige.''

Colin: '' That did not stopped us before. '' -whispered in her ear-

His whispers in her ear and his hot breath on her neck were Penelope's vulnerable spots, and she was powerless to resist them. She grabbed the back of his neck and drew him into a passionate kiss. He took her by the waist and drew her in closer, but none of them found that position to be comfortable. She stood up a bit and spread her legs wide apart sitting in his lap. His wife was taking charge of the issue, and he loved it. He stared at her in amazement.

With such hunger, his lips met hers at the nape of her neck as he dragged her closer, grabbing her from the bottom. She moaned every time he kissed her and ran her hands through his hair. He took hold of her waist and made her gently move back a forward creating a friction between their bodies that made them both moan. He bent forward and planted a kiss on her lips, holding her face in his palms. It was a devious, desperate kiss full of intensity.

Penelope moved her hand in between their bodies and reached his member, touching him through his trousers.

Colin: '' "Oh, damn it, Penelope..." -he groaned-

Penelope: '' You do not like it?''

Colin: '' You drive me crazy, Penelope, but I do wish we reach home and make love to you in our bed.''

She continued the motion that caused tension between them, leaning forward and planting a gentle kiss on him. Penelope chuckled as the carriage came to a stop and he muttered a curse while grinding his teeth.

Penelope: '' As you wish, we are home, husband!''

After Penelope got up from his lap, Colin got off the carriage first and assisted Penelope in getting down. He practically hauled her inside the home and told the servants that he and his wife didn't require anything before dismissing them for the evening.

After entering their bedroom, they shut the door. Penelope glanced around the room; it was beautifully painted in shades of pale green.

Colin: '' Do you like it? '' -put his arms around her from behind-

Penelope: "It's amazing. I'm really happy with the shade. Did you select it?''

Colin: "Yes, I did. Since my family is all about blue and your family is all about yellow, I think we should construct our own universe. The shade will come from a combination of the two.''

Penelope: "Colin, you are so thoughtful." -she turns to look at him.

Colin: ''You know how much I always liked you in yellow?''

Penelope: '' Don't mock me, Colin! '' -laughted-

Colin: '' I am not mocking you. Although the dresses' style may have hidden all of your lovely qualities, the color actually works well on you.''

Penelope: '' I still have some of the old dress, if you prefer them.'' -grinned-

Colin: '' Darling, you won't need many clothing for the next few weeks, I assure you.''

Penelope: "Just for the next few weeks?" she exclaimed, standing up on her toes and encircling his neck.

Colin: '' We will eventually have to leave the house, but let's not think about that now.''

He leaned closer and kissed, her moving her slowly to the bed where she sat. As he began to remove his shirt, her hands reached out and began to unbutton his pants. The clothing dropped to the ground, and he was completely naked in front of her. He was powerful, muscular, and flawless. He closed his eyes in shock as she touched his firm member with her finger. Though she was unsure of what to do precisely, she knew that he was enjoying whatever she was doing with her hand on her member.

Colin: '' Oh, Penelope..'' -he gasped, feeling his legs wick-

Penelope: '' Am I doing it right?''

Colin: '' You are doing it perfectly.'' -he gasped for air-

Penelope: '' Should I do more?'' -asked sweetly-

Colin: ''I can't hold out for long if you do more than that,'' -he muttered.- ''Get up, Penelope!'' -he ordered, and she complied.

Colin turned her around having her back facing him and started unbottoning her dress and untying her corset. Colin's fingers began to caress her back, waist, and belly as her wedding dress fell to the ground. He then cupped her breasts with both hands, causing her to sigh.

Penelope: '' Colin..Oh, Colin..'' -she turned to face him after mumbling incoherently.-

The two of them exchanged a passionate, lustful glance.

Penelope: '' Lie down!''

Colin's eyebrows rose up in surprise, but he did as his wife asked and lay down in bed. She moved to sit on his stomach, leaned in, and gave him a kiss. Using both hands, he squished her bottom. She got to her knees, placed his member at her center with her hand, and then slowly descended upon him. Colin cried out as she took all his member inside him and she placed her hands on his husband's sholders to have balance.

Colin opened his eyes to watch his wife's face as she bounced on him slowly.He began to pump his hips against her, enjoying the way her breast moved and he reached to grab them and squeez them. Penelope seemed to enjoy this position, enjoyed been in control and Colin enjoyed seen her ride him like that.

She reached his face and grabbed him pulling him into a passionant kiss, his toung found hers and there was not much more to do. She bounced faster and she reached her climax She cried out in delirious pleasure; not caring who might hear her. Hepumped against her a couple more time until he reached his climax and they both breathed heavily for a moment. She let herself fall by his side, exausted and he leaned over to kiss her, tenderly.

Penelope: '' Soo...10 minutes and we can restart?'' -asked playfully-

Colin: '' God, woman, you are insatiable. '' -he laughted- '' I created a monster.''

He grabbed her from the waist and roatated her over him and kissed her.

Colin: '' Maybe we should try a different position this time.''

Penelope: '' Whatever you wish, my husband.'' 

Penelope kissed him and that night she felt loved in more ways than one. It is safe to say that they were not seen out of the house for multiple days.


Hello all! 

Hope you enjoyed this story that has come to an end. 

I will make an epilogue tomorrow.

I am also writing a new #polin story, stay tunned! :)

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