Cap.26 - You are my whole life

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Cressida: '' I believe we should not talk here and we should not talk now.'' -said with a mean smiled- '' I will look for you later, Penelope.'' -turned around and left-

Penelope: '' She knows, El! '' -said breathing even harder- '' I can't breath...I...''

She did not finished that sentence because she felt to the ground.

Penelope woke up in Eloise's room. She was holding her hand close to her. Penelope took a quick look around, but she could not see anyone else.

Eloise: '' are you feeling?''

Penelope: '' A little dizzy.'' -remarked as she struggled to rise up-

Eloise: ''No, just lie down. Anthony called for the doctor.''

Penelope: '' Where is Colin?''

Colin entered the bedroom through the wide open door before Eloise could respond. His expression was grave; in addition to being worried about his fiancée, he was also upset over what had happened during the ball.

Colin: '' Eloise, can you give us a moment alone?''

Eloise: '' But...''

Colin: '' Eloise, please! '' -said interrupted her- '' Mother needs you downstairs.''

Eloise looked at Penelope and she gave her a nod. She got up and closed the door behind her as she went out. Colin circled around to the side of the bed where Penelope rested. He looked into her eyes, and tears immediately popped up in hers. She could tell by looking into his eyes that he was dissatisfied and furious.

Penelope: '' Colin..'' -said sobbing-

Colin: '' Keep quite, Penelope! '' -sat on the edge of the bed and said gravely- '' What were you thinking? Tell me, honestly, what were you thinking? What makes you want to publish even now, and why during our engagement party?'' 

Penelope: '' It was not me, Colin. I did not write anything.''

Colin: '' Please...don't lie to me!''

Penelope: "I'm not lying," she said, pressing her hands into the mattress and raising herself so that she was facing me. "Why wouldn't you believe me?"

Colin: '' You are freaking Lady Whisteldown! '' - yelled and got on his feet-

Penelope: "Here we are once more! Even though you claimed you didn't care, you judge me, you are embarrassed of me, and you will never let it go.'' -she got on her feet-

Colin: ''It puts you in risk, so of course I care. Can't you see it Penelope? I would literally die for you if something were to happen to you because I love you more than anything in this world, even more than I love myself. I'm not ashamed, I'm not disappointed, but I'm angry that you consider me so little in your decisions.'' -tears were streaming down his face- '' Why would you keep me out of your life when all I want is to be in?'' 

Penelope: "Colin, please." -she walked up to him, put her hands up to his face, and wiped away the tears with her fingers '' You are my whole life, believe me when I tell you that I am not keeping you out. '' -she said in a soft voice- '' It was not me.''

Colin: '' Who then? '' -asked grabbing her hands- '' Whoever did this knows your secret.''

Penelope: '' It was Cressida. ''

Colin: "That bitch!" -he exclaimed, releasing her hands and pacing the room in a furious manner- "But how is it that she found out?"

Penelope: ''I'm not sure. She just suggested that we speak alone.''

Colin: '' That is not going to happen.''

Penelope: '' Colin!''

Colin: '' No, Penelope! '' -he turned to face her and grabbed her face with his hands- '' Penelope, you are my wife now and don't you dare claim you aren't, because you are, with or without the official wedlock, you are my wife, you are my love, my dearest friend. Since your own family never stood up for you, I understand that you are not used to having someone defend you, but since I am now your family, I will do so always. You are my responsibility, and I will not allow anyone to ever harm you again, so no, you won't have to go through this alone. Whether we like it or not, we are in this together.''

Penelope: '' I love you so much, Colin! '' -she grabbed his face and kissed him softly-

Colin: '' I will figure something out, I promise you. '' -touched her cheeks-

The door opened and Violet and Kate walked in.

Violet: "Colin Bridgerton, you shouldn't be here by yourself with Penelope!" -scolding him to that effect-

Colin: '' Mother, I was worried about my fiance.''

Kate: '' Still, you should not be here. '' -she approched Penelope- '' You should be laying down, honey.''

Penelope: '' I fell much better. I believe all the emotions caused me faiting. '' 

Violet: '' I hope it was just that! '' -replied, casting a disapproving glance at Colin-

Colin smiled at that look from his mother  to look at Penelope who turned red.

Violet: ''We think Penelope should retire for the evening as the guests have already left.''

Penelope: "Yes, I ought to return home."

Colin: '' I will accompany you.''

Violet: '' Colin!''

Colin: '' Mother, you do realize we are getting married, right. Anyway, her family is downstairs waiting for Pen, so I will accompany all of them.''

Colin grasped Penelope's hand and the two of them left the room together. Kate and Violet immediately trailed after them.

Violet: '' You know, I always thought Anthony was the problematic child.'' -whispered to Kate-

Upon hearing that comment, Penelope and Colin exchanged a quick smile and looked at one another.

After Colin escorted the Fetheringtons home, he went back to his own residence and entered his study. He needed to reflect on what had transpired and how he would handle the situation. He was unaware of Cressida's methods of discovery and her plans for the knowledge.

He had to protect Penelope and ensure her well-being., but he first had to find out what Cressida is planning to do.

Colin awoke the following morning feeling much more anxious than the previous night.Though he did not devise a strategy, he was certain that he would not allow Penelope to meet with Cressida by herself. He proceeded straight to his study and was in the middle of writing a letter to Penelope when Anthony entered.

Anthony: ''Mother sent me, brother. It appears that you skipped breakfast.''

Colin: '' I was not hungry.''

Anthony: '' You? '' -remarked while he took a sit on the chiar in front of Colin- '' That is rather unusual.''

Colin: "I'm thinking about a lot of things right now."

Anthony: "Are these thoughts related to Penelope's fainting last night?"

Colin: '' What do you mean, brother?''

Anthony: ''Is there any reason to move this wedding up?''

Colin: '' Yes, it is. We love each other so much and wish we could be together forever. You may relax if you're implying that her fainting last night was caused by a pregnancy. She is not pregnant, and even if she were, it would be too soon to tell.''

Anthony: '' Colin Bridgerton...'' -uttered in a menacing manner -

Colin: '' Are you going to duel me, brother? '' -asked amused- '' I will marry the girl, do not worry, actually, like I said, I cannot wait to marry her.''

Anthony: '' For God sake, and mother believes Benedict is the troubling child.''

Colin: '' She actually thought it was you.'' - chuckled - ''Nevertheless, there is something about Penelope that worries me, and I need to talk to you about it. But, you have to swear that you will listen to the entire story and that you will keep it discreet.''

Anthony: '' Of course, you can both count on me. Tell me!''

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