Cap. 17 - Did you compromise my daughter?

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She headed toward the drawing room, where she was taken by surprised upon entering. Her mother was there and she was not alone.

Portia: '' Come, come, Penelope! '' -murmured gravely- '' Mister Bridgerton requested your presence. He wishes to speak to me in your presence.''

Penelope felt both content and anxious. As he had promised, Colin visited her home. She positioned herself close to him as he smiled warmly at her.

Colin: ''I appreciate that you received me without notice.''

Portia: "Mr. Bridgerton, I find your visit to be quite curious."

Colin: '' I know you do and I don't mean to make a short story long. My purpose for being here is to request your daughter's hand in marriage.''

Portia: '' What daughter? '' -asked, her conduct reflecting the ridiculousness of her question.-

Colin: '' Penelope, of course.'' -confirmed and grabbed Penelope's hand-

Portia: '' Penelope? '' -a perplexed Portia questioned- "Penelope is already engaged to Lord Debling."

Colin: '' Did he propose? '' -asked Portia and then turned to look at Penelope-

Penelope: '' Mother, Lord Debling did not propose.''

Portia: '' He asked for your hand first and I agreed. This is madness, Mr. Bridgerton.''

Colin: '' Madness? Madness will be for Pen to marry that man. She bearly knows him, she is not in love with him and that would be just a sad marrige.'' - gravly established-

Portia: ''But we can't back down now; I already struck a deal with him. Penelope approved.''

Colin: '' I believe you do not know your daughter. She gave in because she felt compelled to.''

Portia: ''It seems like you are putting pressure on her now, Mr. Bridgerton. You did nothing more than paint her in a negative light; you had no interest in her. What has made you want to marry her so suddenly?''

Colin: "Because both she and I love each other. Penelope deserves that kind of marriage, don't you think?''

Penelope was shocked about that confession. He said he loves her and he is standing up for her as nobody ever did. It was then her responsibility to speak up and defend herself in front of her mother.

Penelope: ''Mama, last night Colin proposed to me, and I said yes. I'd like to marry him!''

For a few minutes, Portia observed them silently. She had always desired for one of her daughters to wed a Bridgerton, but she never imagined Penelope would be that daughter. She almost came to terms with the fact that Penelope would always be there to look after her and never get marry. When Lord Debling asked to marry her, she agreed to it knowing Penelope will still be around her since her potential husband will be always traveling.

She can see how excited Penelope is with the notion of Colin Bridgerton proposing to marry her. Even though she may not have been the best mother to her, she still loves her daughter and wants the best for her.

Portia: '' Very well then. You have my approval, Mr. Bridgerton.''

Grinning, Penelope rushed to give her mother a hug. She had not felt her mother's affection like that in a very long time.

Colin: '' Thank you, Lady Featherington. Now, I would like to bring Penelope to our house. My mother would like to congratulate us.''

Portia: '' Sure, but first, I need a world with you, Mr. Bridgerton,'' -said Portia, turning to face- '' in private.''

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