Cap. 11 - She now shows up in his dreams

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Colin: "Mother, may I ask you a question?"

Violet: "Of course," grinning, nothing made her happier than to be there for her kids-

Colin: ''How did you and father realize that your relationship went beyond simple friendship?"

Violet: '' Well, we both knew it on our own, but your father had the guts to ask." -laughs

Colin: ''He was incredibly courageous not to fear rejection.''

Violet: ''He was, indeed. However, I believe that he secretly sensed that I was experiencing the same emotions. Despite my timidity, he was able to notice that I never looked at anyone the same way that I looked at him.''

Colin: '' I see...'' murmured Colin, turning to face the window

Violet: "Is there anything specific going on with you, Colin?" she asked, glancing in the same direction as him as she noticed the view that led to Penelope's window.-

Colin: '' No, I was just curious.'' -said looking at his mother- '' Seeing Francesca's debute and her timidity, I just hope she finds the kind of happiness you and father had."

Violet: '' I wish that for all of you.'' -smiled and stood up- '' I will let you rest then. ''

Violet kissed Colin on the cheek and walked out of his room. Penelope's window was closed, and the lights were out as Colin turned to face the window. He proceeded to undress and made his way to bed. He needed to sleep and hoped to wake up the next day with a clear mind.

Lady Danbury decided to organize a garden party for that day. She wanted to show off the recent structural changes she made to her garden. She invited Queen Charlotte, a longtime acquaintance, as well as the entire social elite.

It was a day time party, so Penelope together with her family decided to attend. Portia was never one to pass up the opportunity to flaunt herself in public, especially now that she had two daughters who are married. Portia was thrilled that Prudence recently tied the knot with Robert Huxley. Penelope was the only other daughter she had left to marry, and she never held great expectations for her.

Penelope decided to wear her red locks loose and a pale blue dress. She thought she looked respectable and that she looked decent in the mirror. Her appearance has improved significantly with the hues she has been using lately. Now, it was clear how different she was from the rest of her family.

Colin was much more perplexed when he woke up that morning than he had been the day before, and he is haunted by the thought of Penelope. She now shows up in his dreams, and he dreams of kissing her tender lips—but with even more intensity than he did the first time around. In his dream, he would touch her body and feel her flawless curves. He would run his fingers through her red curls and sense her body pressing against him. Though he couldn't get her from his thoughts, did he have the guts to tell her how he felt? Furthermore, what does he feel for her? Is it only desire or passion? It's definitely more than simply friendship—could it even be love?

Colin got ready to go to the party that Lady Danbury had planned together with his family. Although he was anxious that Penelope would attend, as she wouldn't miss any of this events, he was also happy to see her. He'll get to at least catch a glimpse of her, and who knows, maybe they may have a little conversation even if they decide to maintain their distance.

Penelope was approached by Lady Danbury as she sat at the dessert table.

Lady Danbury: ''Miss Featherington, exactly the person I wanted to meet."

Penelope: ''Why? '' -asked concerned-

LD: '' "I heard you are looking for a husband this season, and I actually been talking to Lord Debling about you."

Lady Danbury then pointed toward him and gestured with her head, and Lord Debling began to move in their direction.

LD: '' "He wanted to be introduced after noticing you at the other balls." -she remarked, glancing at Penelope.-

Lord Debling: '' Good day! ''

Penelope: '' God day, Lord Debling!''

LD: '' Lord Debling, let me introduce to you, Miss Penelope Featherington. ''

Lord Debling: '' It was about time we meet, Miss Featherington. I could not help to notice you at the previous balls.''

Penelope: "You did?" she exclaimed, startled

LD: "Of course he did. You are not just a beautiful young lady, but also incredibly intelligent and humorous.'' -smiled at her and cast a sidelong glance at the distance ''Ohh...Mister Bridgerton!''

Looking around the celebration when he got there earlier, Colin found Penelope by the candy station. Many women blocked his path as he attempted to approach her. He struck up a brief discussion with them. When he managed to get away from them, he discovered that Penelope was now with Lady Danbury and Lord Debling

He moved a bit closer in the hopes of overhearing their talk, but Lady Danbury caught him in the act and had him approach them.

Colin: '' Good day Lady Danbury! - looked at Penelope- '' Miss Featherington, good to see you. '' -smiled and the turned to Lord Debling- '' Debling!''

Lord Debling: '' Bridgerton!''

Lady Danbury: ''Mr. Bridgerton, are you enjoying the view of my garden?"

Colin: '' It's especially beautiful. '' -stated before glancing at Penelope-

Lady Danbury: "I'm happy you enjoyed it." -smile- "I was just giving Lord Debling an introduction to Miss Featherington. I was telling him what a remarkable young woman Miss Featherington is, don't you think, Mr. Bridgerton?''

Colin: "She is, in fact. She is one of a kind. '' -said a little annoyed understanding Lady Danbury's intention-

Lord Debling: '' May I fetch you a lemonade, Miss Featherington?''

Penelope: '' I would like that very much. '' -said smiling at him-

Lady Danbury: '' I will need a lemonade myself. Excuse me.''

Silently, Colin and Penelope were left alone by Lord Debling and Lady Dabury. Colin turned to face Penelope and studied her from head to toe, peering into her eyes. She sensed his nervousness, his extreme quietness, and the severity in his eyes. He seemed uneasy, agitated, perhaps even angry.

Penelope: '' Are you well? '' -asked concerned-

Colin: '' Seems like you found yourself a suiter. '' - remarked, sounding serious and rough.

Penelope: ''Lord Debling? Oh, no, I just recently met him." -nervous said.-

Colin: "It looks like he's interested."

Penelope: ''You think?"

Colin: "I do, indeed."'

Penelope: "Colin, is something wrong?"

Colin was silently staring at her and unsure of how to respond. Indeed, there was something wrong, there was everything wrong. As he drew nearer, all he could think about was her lips on his and all he wanted to feel was his hands on her body. Even though he knew it would be horrible and ruin her, he would have given her a kiss right then and there.

Colin: '' I need to ask you something.''

Lord Debling interrupted him by returning with the lemonade, so he stepped back and turned to face Debling.

Penelope was present, but she was perplexed as to why Colin appeared to be in such distress. What question did he wish to ask her?

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