Cap. 2 - I do not care about his apology

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Dearest Gentle Readers,

Lady Danbury's ball seems to be the one that will open this season, and this suthor knows it will be unforgettable. I will for sure keep you up to date with all of the events because I will attend this ball for sure.

We will also expect The Queen to choose this season's diamond and not leave this heavy burden on this author once again.

Yours truly, Lady Whisteldown

London, 1815


Penelope was in her room, looking out the window and seeing the Bridgertons returning to their house after the debut ceremony. From her window, she saw Colin, and her heart began to beat loudly—the heart that she cannot lie to no matter how much she wants to. She still loves Colin, even if this time she has definitively resigned herself to the fact that he will never be hers.

At the same time, her heart ached from losing Eloise. She felt so lonely in the last few months. Eloise, her best friend, who, to her surprise, was not with her family at the time.

Mrs. Varley knocked on Penelope's door and entered the room.

Varley: ''Miss Bridgerton is here to see you!'' -she announced-

Penelope: '' Excuse me? '' - said after taking her sight out of the window and looking at Varley -

Varley: '' Miss Eloise Bridgerton is waiting for you in the drawing room. She wishes to see you. '' - said again -

Penelope looked at her in disbelief.

Penelope: '' I shall be right there in a moment. Thank you! '' - she said, and Varley walked away and closed the door -

Penelope could not understand the reason why Eloise was there. She hasn't visited her in months. She was very curious to understand the reason for her visit and immediately went to the drawing room, where she found Eloise sitting on the couch.

Penelope: '' what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?'' -said getting closer to where she was sitting-

Eloise: '' You were serious, not expecting my visit after what you did? '' - said, and he took out of the book she had in her hands, Lady Whisteldon's paper -

Penelope: '' Ohh...I see! '' - she said looking at the paper - '' I already read it, Eloise. ''

Eloise: '' Is this statement of yours intended as a joke? '' - said angry - '' Of course you read it. You were the one that wrote it. '' - said raising her voice -

Penelope: ''Lower your voice, Eloise! '' - said firmly- '' I still do not understand the reason you are here?''

Eloise: '' You need to stop writing about my family or...''

Penelope: '' Or what? '' - she said with a hint of annoyance - '' You will reveal the real identity of Lady Whisteldown? - said taking the paper from her hands - '' Who will ever believe you, El? Who will ever believe that the insipid wallflower, which is not worthy of being courted, would be able to pull something like this? - said showing her the paper -

Eloise looked at her with sad eyes. She knew that what Colin said about her hurt her feelings.

Eloise: '' Penelope, I know what Colin said hurts you. I am sure he did not mean it, but you should not have published it for the whole world to see. What good does that to you and to your reputation? '' - said in a softer voice -

Penelope: '' The same good that his words last season did to my reputation in front of the other gentlemen. ''

Eloise: '' He was wrong to say that, and I am sure he is very sorry and will apologize to you.''

Penelope: '' I do not care about his apology. '' - said and walked to the window -

Eloise: '' I shall go! '' - said and started walking to the door -

Penelope turned around and looked at her. Before Eloise could open the door, she called on her.

Penelope: '' El..'' - said and Eloise stopped walking -'' I should be the one to you.'' - said and saw Eloise turning around and looking at her - '' I did not mean to hurt you by writing about Theo. I wanted to protect you. I hope one day you will realize that. '' - said with tears in her eyes -

Eloise nodded and walked away quickly. Penelope stayed there, turning to look out the window and seeing Eloise reaching her house. She was heartbroken by both Eloise and Colin, but she needed to prioritize her wishes for this season. She wanted to find a husband, a gentleman, who would marry her and, at the same time, give her the freedom to still write her social paper.

She will get married this season, even though she has to burry any love she has left in her heart for Colin.


Lady Danbury's Ball is the most exclusive and luxurious event at the beginning of the season.

Everyone was present, all the girls looking for husbands were present, hoping to get their hands on the most coveted gentleman in high society.Colin Bridgerton was focused on an interesting discussion with Lord Fife and Lord Anderson about his travels and the wonderful places he had seen.Everyone's attention suddenly moved to the entrance of the ballroom, and a diaphanous but somewhat unusual apparition made its entrance.

Penelope Featherington, in an emerald green dress, with her red hair arranged in loose curls, leaves an entire ballroom intrigued.

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