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Penelope: '' Oh...Colin...'' -moans- '' Stop, we have to go!''

He poked his head out from under the blanket and looked at her.

Colin: '' You do not enjoy it? I thought you were more than pleased with me going down on you.'' -remarked, grinning-

Penelope: '' I like everything you do to me, but we have to go to your mother's ball.''

Colin: '' My mother will overlook our tardiness. She expressed her own desire for more granchildren.''

Penelope: '' Darling,'' -grabbing him from his face and yanking him toward her- '' That is not how babies are made.''

Colin: '' Than, you must show me how babies are made.'' 

With a passionate kiss, Penelope slid over and positioned herself on top of him.

Penelope: "We have to prepare for the ball!"

Colin: "You mentioned that you were hoping for a baby girl."

Penelope: ''We can make it tonight, tomorrow or the following day.''

Colin took her hand and lowered it to his aroused member.

Colin: '' You cannot leave me like this.''

Her back was now on the mattress when he turned over. She let out a cry of delight as he desperately kissed her and pushed himself into her. He started to move against her, sinking himself into her, over and over again and Penelope wrapped her legs around his waist.

Penelope: '' Oh, Colin...I will...'' -she could barely speak-

He quickened his tempo as he plunged deeper into her, and before long, they were both experiencing their climax and he was groaning loudly on her mouth. Then, moving away from her, he lay beside her, struggling to breathe.

Colin: '' I think we accomplished the mission and if not, we will keep on practicing.''

Penelope: '' I love practice so much and you have always been a good teacher.'' -laying in his arms and putting her hands on his chest-

Colin: '' Darling, I think the student outperformed the teacher.'' -kissed her- '' We should get ready for the ball now.''

He exited the bed completely nude and glanced around the room in search of his robe. Because of his flawless figure and insatiable desire for him, Penelope was unable to take her eyes from her husband at any time of day. Colin pulled on his robe and gave her a quick glance.

Colin: ''We won't get to that ball if you keep biting your lips and staring at me like that.''

Penelope: ''You are flawless, Mr. Bridgerton, therefore I can't resist. How did I get so lucky?''

Colin: "I'm the fortunate one, darling. Here, we have created our own small universe, and for that, I am thankful. I also appreciate the love and stability you provide.''

Penelope: ''Do you not miss traveling? Do you not find it annoying to be stationary?''

Colin: ''You were correct when you said that I used to travel a lot in order to escape my issues. But for now, all I want is to spend every day here with you and our son. I would not like to miss a single day of Elliot's life and I would also rather not miss a single night spent curled up close to you. You and our son are everything to me and if I should travel, it will only be by your side. ''

°°° 5 YEARS LATER°°°

In the Featherington's garden, Penelope and Colin were seated on the banch. The garden served as a metaphor for their love tale; it was there when Colin broke Penelope's heart, expressed regret, and where they would later spend time together watching their kids play.

They renovated the Featheringtons's house and moved in a year ago, after Penelope gave birth to their daughter Agatha. Since Elliot became the only heir to the Featherington estates and will one day become the new Lord Featherington when he is old enough, the house has become their permanent residence.

In honor of Lady Danbury, who has stood by them ever since Lady Whistedown's revelation and inspired Colin with his writing work, they chose to name their daughter Agatha.
Elliot's name honors Eloise, Penelope's best friend and Colin's sister.

They were content in the universe they had built for themselves and some servers might claim that they were still as much in love with one another as they were on their first day as man and wife.


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