Cap.4 - Are we not friends?

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Dearest Gentle Readers,

My keen eye witnessed all that transpired at the ball the night before, and my keen ears recorded a conversation that was rather fascinating. Mr. Bridgerton tried his hardest to extend his deepest apologies to Miss Penelope Featherington. It might be said by this source that Miss Featherington was not entirely persuaded by these apologies and did not accept them. Colin Bridgerton, in my opinion, ought to perform better than that.

In addition, Miss Francesca Bridgerton had nothing but praise for each and every ton member. Their timidity might make it difficult for her to find a match this season and follow in the footsteps of their sister, the duchess Daphne, who wed in her first season to none other than the Duke of Hastings.

Yours truly, Lady Whisteldown

London, 1815


Portia: '' "Is it true what's written in the social paper?" -Portia asked, glancing at Penelope, who was reading a book while seated close to the window-

Penelope: '' I did not read it, mama. What is said in it? ''

Portia: '' "Did Mr. Bridgerton offer an apology and you did not accept it?" -inquired an enthralled Portia-

Penelope: "He did apologize, and I told Mr. Bridgerton there was no need for an apology.'' - Penelope stated as she stood up-

Portia: ''He is a gentleman and acted appropriately. All you have to do is accept the apologies. Mr. Bridgerton is one of the most desired bachelors of this season and who knows maybe fate will favor us. ''

Penelope: "What do you mean, mamma?" asked Penelope

Portia: "I just think it would be wonderful for one of my daughters to marry a Bridgerton," said Portia.

Penelope: '' "Mother, I don't think Mr. Bridgerton wants to get married and Prudence is already engaged," said Penelope.

Portia: '' However, you are not.''

Penelope gave her mother a startled look. She never imagined that her mother, would think that she had any chance to marry and even more so with Colin Bridgerton.

Portia: '' You have been close for years and you should accept his apology so you can still be close and if someone finds you in a compromising situation, he will be forced to marry you.'' - said smiling-

Penelope: '' Colin Bridgerton will never marry me and we will never be found in a  compromising situation. It is outrageous what you suggest, mother. '' -took the book she left on the sofa - '' Excuse me, I need some air.'' - said leaving the room -

Penelope was astounded by her mother's suggestion. She may have had a long-standing ambition of marrying Colin, but she gave up on it when he made it apparent that he would never consider her to be more than a friend. However, she would never put herself in a position where she would have to compromise with Colin in order to force him to marry her. He deserves to marry who he likes.

Penelope took a seat on her garden bench and carried on with her reading.


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