Cap. 15 - Penelope Featherington, will you marry me?

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Lord Debling was cut off from speaking because a voice that she was so familiar with interrupted him. That voice that refuses to leave her heart and head.

Colin: '' Good evening! '' -said smiling- '' Miss Featherington, may I have this dance?'' -said looking at her and she looked at him in disbelif-

Penelope: '' Colin...I...''

Colin: "I think Lord Debling can handle your absence for a few minutes." -held out his hand to her -

Lord Debling: ''Certainly. A lady should never refuse a gentlemen's request for a dance.''

Penelope took Colin's hand and went together to the dance floor. They danced in silence for a full minute. She avoided staring at him and avoided meeting his gaze. Him, on the other hand, did not took her eyes off her.

Finally, she said something. She had to comprehend his behavior.

Penelope: '' What do you want, Colin? You interrupted...''

Colin: "Did he propose?" - inquired in a grave manner

Penelope: '' What? How do you know?''

Colin: '' Answer me, Penelope! '' -demended-

Penelope: '' No, he did not. You did not give him the chance.''

Colin: '' Good!''

Penelope: '' Good? Colin, have you gone mad?''

Colin: ''No, I'm the sanest I've ever been.

He turned to face the packed dance floor and the lively conversation and laughter that filled the entire ballroom. He grasped her hand and met her eyes while the dance continued.

Colin: '' Come with me!''

Penelope: '' Colin?'' 

She did not know what to do. When his hand drew hers and her entire body out of the ballroom, even though she did not comprehend his request, she followed him. They went by the garden and entered another doorway, which led them into a pitch-black area lit only by external lights. He was aware that they were in Simon's office. He visited Daphne frequently and was familiar with several areas of that house

She came to a sudden stop, and he turned to face her.

Penelope: ''Colin, please! Where are we?''

Colin: '' We must speak."

Penelope: '' Alright, you indeed have gone mad. Somebody could see us.''

Colin: '' Nobody will see us here and I do not care!''

Penelope: '' I do care, Colin. My reputation is on the line. I have to go back to the ballroom, Lord Debling is waiting for me.''

Colin: '' You cannot marry that man. You do not even know him.'' - exploded with rage-

Penelope: '' I know enough. He wants to marry me and I want to marry him. That is all that matters.''

Colin: '' Pen, I agreed to help you find a husband but I won't stand by watching you make a mistake.'' 

He extended his arm to grab her arm and pulled her very close to him, pressing their bodies together. Her whole body trembled as she met his gaze.

Penelope: '' Let go of my arm, Colin.'' -said attempting to get off his grasp-

He held on to her more firmly, not so much to hurt her as to keep her from leaving. With his other hand, he reached the back of her neck and pulled her to him touching her lips with his. When she gasped for breath, he seized the opportunity to put his mouth to her lower lip and give her the most passionate kiss, all the passion that he felt since the first time they kissed.  When he was certain she would not escape, he released her arm, and she placed her hands on his arms to maintain her equilibrium.

He was excited by her touch and sighed with longing. She remained glued to his body as he moved around the room until they collided with something and fell. Penelope's body was already laying on the sofa that they had collided into when Colin tripped over it. In order to avoid suffocating her with his weight, he pushed himself up on his elbows, and it was the first time the two made direct eye contact.

Penelope needed him to continue because the short distance between them was devouring her. Her eyes were filled with passion and longing. In an instant, he kissed her again, realizing that she wanted him just as much as he did.
With no prior experience, she did not know what to do exactly, but she couldn't resist the urge to physically touch him. Lifting her hand, she ran it from his cheek to the back of his neck, through his thick black hair.

With a groan, Colin moved his lips from her mouth down her face to the right side of her neck.

Penelope: '' Oh, Colin...' -moaned in pleasure-

That moan of pleasure encouraged Colin. His hand moved slowly up to her shoulder from her thigh. He grabbed the edges of the dress and pulled it, exposing her shoulder. When Colin's kisses moved from her neck to her collarbone and finally to her breasts, she moaned even more. Without wasting any time, he reached over and grasped her other breast, causing her to scream with ecstasy.

Colin: '' Oh, God, you are perfect!'' -said in between kisses-

Colin was able to spread her legs wider than they were already and crushed his body against hers, giving her a sense of the excitement in his manhood. Her groans became louder. He needed to touch her all over, just as she needed him to.
He was kissing her lips and stroking her breast with his hands as she ran her hands up and down his back.

Penelope: '' Colin...touch me!'' -said softly-

Colin's hand reached her ankle, passed beneath her dressed and then ascended up her leg reaching her intimate part. He knew she had never had that kind of intimacy with anyone, so he gave her a quick glance for approval before touching her. She gave him a look, put her hands on his shoulder, and nodded to indicate her acceptance.

She was instantly in a state of extasy as he touched and stroked her. She had no idea that a simple touch could bring her so much pleasure.
He, on the other hand, was staring at her as she delighted in his touch; her movement beneath him was flawless, and her face was stunning.

They both paused as they heard voices coming from the corridor just as he was about to enter one figer. He moved aside, glancing at her. She was gasping and breathing heavily.

Penelope: "Colin, there's someone in the hallway."

Colin: '' Shh, do not make any noise.'' -whispered-

Penelope was able to straighten up and settle into the couch. Colin was in front of her, on his knees. They shared a little giggle while still maintaining eye contact.

Penelope: '' If somone walks in and finds us like this, we will be ruined.''

Colin did not say a word, he went directly and kissed her softly on her lips. He pulled her dress down and ran his fingers through her curls. She smiled at that touch.

Colin: '' We won't be ruined, because we will be married soon.''

Penelope: '' What?''

Colin: '' Penelope Featherington, will you marry me?''

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