Cap. 28 - Confession

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She made her decision, even if that is not what Colin wants. She will go to the Queen, alone and will put an end to all this story.

Dear Colin,

I can't even begin to express my gratitude, my love, for everything you have given me. You gave me your love, kindness and protection. You gave me your kisses, you touch, your embrass. You are the one I have always loved and admired, the man of my dreams.

It is because of your love that I learned to love myself exactly the way I am. Nothing matters more to me than you, Colin Bridgerton, because you make me the happiest woman alive.

You welcomed me into your life and soon I will become part of your family and you will become my entire family, and it is for that reason that I will not allow anything bad to happen to you or to the Bridgertons. Lady Whisteldown is my mess to fix and I will fix it in a way that will bring closure to this story.

I made more errors than I care to admit, and the secrets I've harbored are finally catching up with me. It's time to put an end to all this mistakes.

I love you Colin, I love you with all my heart, with my past, my present and my future and I hope you will forgive me.

Always yours,



Penelope impatiently waited to be called, and when the maid announced that she might come in, she went through the wooden door into Lady Danbury's drawing room. She gestured for her to take a seat on a brown leather couch across from her.

Lady Danbury: "Miss Featherington, I find your surprise visit to be quite intriguing."

Penelope: "Pardon me for coming here without warning, but I need your assistance."

Lady Danbury: '' My assistance? Miss Featherington, how may I help you?'' -asked intrigued-

Penelope: ''I must speak with the Queen. You and Her Majesty are great friends, so I thought you could help me secure an audience with her today!''

Lady Danbury: '' Today? It sounds urgent. May I ask what is it that you have to talk to the Queen?''

Penelope: ''I want...I want to confess...I am Lady Whiteldown!'' -she said, her gaze falling, her voice shaking.

Lady Danbury: '' I know!'' -said chuckling- 

Penelope: "What?" -casting a sidelong glance at her - "How did you find out?"

Lady Danbury: ''You, Miss Featherington, are the most intelligent young woman I have encountered alongside myself, so I guessed it for a while before I found out. Now, you confirm it.''

Penelope: '' Are you angry?''

Lady Danbury: '' Angry? '' -she laughed - '' Miss Featherington, I am proud of you and very amused. I enjoy Lady Whisteldown as much as every member of the ton. You are a really talented writer and very intelligent.''

Lady Danbury's remark stunned Penelope because she had not anticipated receiving such compliments from her.

Lady Danbury: '' Now, why do you want to confess it to the Queen?''

Penelope: ''Too many individuals already know my secret identity, and not all of them are decent people. Cressida Cowper has been blackmailing me, and she wants to harm both me and everyone else in my vicinity. I refuse to let her harm the reputation of the Bridgerton family.''

Lady Danbury: '' Does your future husband know who you are?''

Penelope: '' He does!''

Lady Danbury: '' Does he know about your intentions to confess?''

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