Cap.22 - Announcement

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Colin: "You expected me to simply disappear without informing you?"

Penelope: ''Well, you're not required to tell me.''

Colin: "Penelope...," mumbling under his breath, "I missed you."

Penelope: '' I missed you too, Colin. I thought I wouldn't see you again for a while.''

Colin: '' Come with me.'' -he grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the ballroom.

They exited hand in hand the ballroom and went outside into the garden. A mass of people were outside and all Colin wanted was some time alone with Penelope. He continued walking and dragging her by the hand after him and people noticed it very well, but he did not care.

Penelope looked around as people started whispering and stopped letting go of Colin's hand.

Penelope: '' Colin...'' - captured his attention as he turned around to face her-

Colin: '' Darling? ''

Penelope: "There are spectators."

Colin: ''Ineed, but what is the problem?''

Penelope: "They're going to talk about us; we don't need any more scandal."

Colin: "There will be no scandal; we are engaged." - took her hand again and said- '' Let's go!''

Penelope ceased to object since she lacked the means to do so. They still had a lot of issues to resolve, so she too wanted to speak with Colin in private. They went via Lady Danbury's garden and around to the rear, where a lovely gazebo was. Penelope released Colin's hand as they came to a stop in the middle of the area, and the two of them stared at each other silently for a few minutes.

Colin: '' You look beautiful tonight, Penelope.''

Penelope: '' Thank you. '' -murmured- "I apologize for some of the things I said to you and how things ended the other night."

Colin: '' I am sorry for leaving without telling you. I hope you didn't believe I had given up on you.''

Penelope: '' I would have understood it. You were angry and disappointed, maybe ashamed.If you have chosen to run away I would not have held it against you.''

Colin: "I know I have a tendency to run away when things get hard or boring, but now, with you, I found my safe and steady place." - grabbed both of Penelope's hands- "I would never do that to you, Penelope, not anymore, not ever."

Penelope: '' Colin..''

Colin: ''Listen to me, please! I have never felt ashamed of you and I am no longer upset with you. I no longer give a damn about Whisteldown or the things you wrote. I worry about you and your security. Penelope, Whisteldown has the potential to destroy you, and I won't put up with it if that happens. ''

Penelope: '' I know how to take care of myself, Colin!''

Colin: '' Then what good am I to you? '' -asked in a loud voice- ''I have to protect and lead you as your spouse. Penelope, I won't sacrifice you.' -came up to her and gently grabbed her face- '' I love you, Penelope, I loved you for a long time now, I just never realized it until a few weeks ago. I love everything about you. I love that you are sweet and careing, I love your stubberness, I love that you have hopes and dreams, that you have a porpouse in your life.'' -he bent down to whisper in her ear- '' And I loved every inch of your body, even the parts I haven't yet discovered.'' -he planted a kiss on her cheek before moving on to capture her lips with his-

They were left speechless when they parted ways after sharing a kiss that was filled with all of their intense passion and love for one another. Penelope grinned while staring into his eyes. She never dreamed to kiss Colin, more less hearing him declare his love for her.

Colin pulled the ring box from his shirt pocket and opened it. Penelope's eyes instantly became moist upon seeing the ring. Colin knelt before her, staring into her eyes.

Colin: '' Penelope Featherington, will you do me the honor to marry me?''

Penelope: '' Yes, I want to marry you. '' -smiled happy-

He stood up, kissed the back of her hand, and placed the ring on her finger. She raised up on her toes and gently kissed him on the lips after grabbing the back of his neck.

Penelope: ''Colin, I love you too. Not even Whisteldown can compare to the happiness I feel when I'm with you. I'll move past that and promise never to do anything to hurt you.''

Colin: '' Do you like writing as her?''

Penelope: '' I like writing in general.''

Colin: '' I promise you, you won't have to give up on that. We will find a way, together.'' 

Before returning to the ballroom and joining the others, he moved forward and kissed her once more. They kissed and touched each other numerous times in that gazebo. Lady Danbury greeted them with a somewhat judgmental expression.

Lady Danbury: '' "Mr. Bridgerton, it was about time you made an appearance.''

Colin: '' ''You're correct, Lady Danbury. I'm sorry for the wait..''

Lady Danbury: ''I am happy to congratulate both of you on the news of the impending marriage, as I already did with Miss Featherington. You are truly a fortunate man.''

Colin: '' I am, indeed. '' -said, grinning and glancing down at Penelope-

Lady Danbury: ''As rumors have gone around the ballroom that you two were spotted leaving the garden together, hand in hand, perhaps you might consider making it official already.''

Penelope: '' Ohh, I told you, Colin. '' -with a distressed tone-

Colin: '' Lady Danbury, may I use the balcony for a short announcement?''

Lady Danbury: '' All yours. ''

Colin took Penelope by the hand and they went up the stairs to the balcony. Lady Danbury nodded to Colin and ordered the music to stop when they revealed their faces there.

Colin: '' Estimeed ton, I apologize for disturbing your festivities, but this will only take a few minutes. Since rumors are circulating and I don't want any assumptions to be made, I'm pleased to declare that Miss Penelope Featherington has accepted my proposal of marriage. We will be happy to share our joy with all of you at the upcoming engagament ball my family will be throwing very soon. '' 

Colin took Penelope's hand and planted a kiss on it as they exchanged looks. The ballroom was silent until Lady Danbury began to clap, at which point each person there followed her gesture. In celebration of the soon-to-be spouses, the Featheringtons and Bridgertons raised a toast.

Colin: '' With that been said, would we like to leave this ball now?''

Penelope: '' Together? '' -she inquired, startled.-

Colin: '' If you want to...''

With a smile, Penelope nodded, and the two of them departed together, capitalizing on the fact that everyone was concentrating on congratulating both families.

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