Cap.27 - Blackmail

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Anthony: '' Colin Bridgerton...'' -uttered in a menacing manner -

Colin: '' Are you going to duel me, brother? '' -asked amused- '' I will marry the girl, do not worry, actually, like I said, I cannot wait to marry her.''

Anthony: '' For God sake, and mother believes Benedict is the troubling child.''

Colin: '' She actually thought it was you.'' - chuckled - ''Nevertheless, there is something about Penelope that worries me, and I need to talk to you about it. But, you have to swear that you will listen to the entire story and that you will keep it discreet.''

Anthony: '' Of course, you can both count on me. Tell me!''

Colin started telling his brother the whole story of Lady Whisteldown and her true identity. He also revealed to him that Cressida Cowper was aware it was Penelope and all of his concerns around this. Anthony listened carefully and remained silent, looking very surprised.

Penelope, meantime, was reading a book by the window in her drawing room when Varley entered and announced she had a caller.

Penelope: '' Colin?'' -asked standing up-

Varley: '' No, it is Miss Cressida Cowper.'' -said, and Cressida entered-

Penelope was so anxious and terrified that her heart was racing out of her chest. She wished Colin was there to comfort her and hold her hand.

Penelope: '' Cressida...''

Cressida: '' Good day, Penelope! Like I promised, I came to talk. '' -remarked and then glanced at Varley- '' Maybe we should have this conversation alone.''

Penelope: ''It's okay, Varley, you may go away.'' - remarked, glancing at Varley.

After the maid left the drawing room, Penelope was left alone with Cressida—that evil woman who was not interested in having a civil conversation.

Penelope: '' What is it that you want, Cressida?''

Cressida: "You want to get right to my requests, or do you want to know how I discovered that you are Lady Whisteldown?" 

Penelope: '' I do not care how you found out. ''

Cressida: '' Perhaps you should care because was due to my frienship with Eloise that I found out. You know, you ought to write letters to people with more caution.''

Penelope: '' You read my letters to her?'' -asked in disbelif- "You are a hateful person, Cressida!" - she exclaimed.

Cressida: '' What makes you think it was not her that show them to me?'' -asked smiling- '' She detested you for who you are.ìì

Penelope: '' She would never do that!''

Cressida: "Well, to address your initial inquiry, what is it that I desire?" I'm after money!

Penelope: '' What?''

Cressida: "That is my request, as I assume you already have a fortune given how much you get paid for your little gossip paper."

Penelope: "I do not intend to give you money, Cressida, and I do not have a fortune."

Cressida: ''Are you certain of that? Are you certain you want everyone to know who you are and cause scandal for the Bridgerton family as well as for your family?''

At that moment, Penelope understood that everyone who was connected to her was in danger as well as herself. The amount of stress Cressida was putting her through made her sick to her stomach, but she was unwilling to reveal her true fear.

Cressida: '' I will let you think about it. I will give you three days, Penelope!'' -she exclaimed, turning away from her before leaving the room.-

When Cressida left, Penelope let out a sight and sat on the couch, allowing herself to cry. She was devastated and unsure of what to do, but she was determined not to allow the woman to harm Colin, Eloise, or the other members of the Bridgerton family.

In Colin's studio, Anthony was pacing back and forth. He was shocked since he had never thought Penelope was responsible for Whisteldown. Rather of being disappointed, he was astonished. He never realized how much personality that adorable girl has.

Anthony: '' We should go to the Queen, as a family. We seek for her forgiveness after telling her everything.''

Colin: '' Are you insane? She will harm Penelope.''

Anthony: '' Than what do you suggest, Colin? ''

Colin: '' We should find out what Cressida wants.''

Anthony: ''Giving in to a bully never ends well."

The door opened and Penelope together with Eloise walked in.

Colin: "Pen... -came up to her and gave her a cheek kiss.

Penelope: "Could we talk, Colin?" she said, her expression troubled.

Colin: "You are free to speak in confidence; Anthony is aware of our secret."

Penelope: '' Ohh...'' -she lowered her head-

Anthony: "I'll admit that I'm shocked, but you don't have to feel bad about yourself; neither I nor anyone else will be disappointed in you. I am genuinely a little bit proud," -he said, laughing- "You are an amazing writer."

Penelope: '' Thank you, Anthony, for all of your support.'' -she wiped the tears from her cheeks- "Cressida visited me," she said, glancing at Colin. "She demands money in return for keeping this a secret."

Colin: '' Money? '' -exclaimed, glancing at Anthony- "Why would she need money?"

Eloise: ''Her family is not as wealthy as she had us all thinking. Her father desires for her to wed an elderly lord.''

Colin: "All right, then we'll give her the money she requests, and that will be the end of this story."

Anthony: ''You think that would discourage her? She will return for more after you give her the money she requests.''

Colin: '' But..''

Penelope: "Your brother is correct, Colin," she remarked, cutting him off. "She is evil; she will never stop."

Eloise: '' How did she found out? '' -inquired, glancing at Penelope-

Penelope: '' She read the letters I wrote to you. '' 

Eloise: '' That b...''

Anthony: '' Eloise! '' -warned her-  '' There is no time for that. I think we should consider my plan.''

Colin: ''Definitely not!  I won't put Penelope in danger.'' -replied gravely to his brother-

Penelope: '' What is your plan?'' -asked glancing at Anthony-

Anthony: '' We should go talk to the Queen and confess. We will all go as the family that we are.''

Colin: '' I said no! We won't do it. I make decisions for her because she is my future bride.''

Eloise: '' We still need to find a solution.''

Colin: '' I will find something, but we will not go to the Queen!''

Penelope understood that Colin was simply guarding her, but she also had a duty to defend him, the Bridgerton family, and hers. She had no intention of giving in to Cressida's blackmail. Anthony was right, she will always come back for more money and she does not want to live her life in fear.

She made her decision, even if that is not what Colin wants. She will go to the Queen, alone and will put an end to all this story.

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