Cap. 7 - The lemonade

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Penelope: '' Your eyes...the most incredible shade of blue. Somehow they shine even brighter when you are kind. ''

Colin was stunned by her statement. Her voice was so gentle, and she made her blue eyes and her friendliness stand out to him with a special dilation of the pupil. That compliment seemed real, genuine, and sincere to him. Penelope's chest was twitching wildly and she was breathing heavily. He never looked away from her for even a moment. Colin swallowed hard and opted to take a sip of tea and look away from Penelope. Penelope looked down as well.

Penelope: ''If you were a suiter, I may say that.'' -sips tea-

Colin: "That is good." -mumbeling- '' That is good. See, you can do it. ''

Penelope: '' It's easier with you, Colin.''

Colin: '' Is it? ''

A knock on the door cut off Penelope as she was about to respond. The majordom came into the room and told Colin that his sisters and mother had returned.

Penelope: '' Eloise can't see me here, she will be upset.''

Colin: '' Come with me. '' -said grabbing her hand- '' You can exit from the back. ''

Colin swiftly pulled her from the room and moved out of from the back entrance.

Penelope: '' Thank you for today, Colin.''

Colin: '' It was my pleasure. You will have to practice it tonight at the ball.''

Penelope: '' I will. '' -smiles- ''I shall see you there. ''

She turned around and left. Colin went back inisde and went to the drawing room. Eloise was alone when he walked in and he noticed that she had a blue scarf in her hand. Penelope forgot her scarf there.

Eloise: '' Is this one of ours? '' -asked, pointing it out to Colin- '' I don't remember having a scarf like this."

Colin: "Because you don't." -stated while removing the scarf from her grasp-

Eloise: '' had a woman in here?'' -spoken with gravity-

Colin: ''That is not your concern, Eloise.'' -turned gravely to exit the room-

Eloise: '' If mother finds out...''

Colin: '' Finds out what? Nothing happend, Eloise, and no women was here.'' -said and left the room-

After going back to his room, Colin took a seat on the chiar beside his window. He couldn't keep motionless, Penelope's words were still on his mind. Her remarks about his eyes seemed flattering, but did she truly feel that way? He slowly inhaled Penelope's perfume as he moved the scarf he was holding closer to his nose. He couldn't figure out why he was acting in that way or why thinking about her made his heart race.

The ball of that night was organized down to the last detail, not only was Lord Anderson one of the wealthiest men in London and wanted to make a good impression on his guest, but also because The Queen announced Her presence at this event and every young debutant was expecting her to make her choice and choose the diamond of the season.

Penelope made the choice to dress in a blue navy dress with silver-colored rose embroidery. She had a silver rose pinned in her hair, and her beautiful red curls were lush. She was pleased with what she saw in the mirror, and the way her outfit and color had changed made her stand out even more.

She strolled into the ballroom with her family before making her way on her own to the drink table. She looked at the cupcakes and wanted to have one, but she didn't want to draw attention to herself by eating, as young ladies don't typically eat at this type of events. She drank a sip of lemonade, and as soon as she heard Colin's voice, she choked.

Colin: '' Good evening, Penelope!''

Colin and his family arrived at the event early. His gaze scanned the ballroom as he walked the stairs, looking for that familiar face had been tormenting him lately.

Since she hadn't arrived yet, he approached the other gentlemen and struck up a conversation with them about travel, while sometimes glancing at the ballroom entrance. As he was describing his time in Italy, he noticed Penelope strolling past him directing herself to the lemonade stand. He lost her entrance to the ballroom and now he just wanted to go to her. He excused himself from the other men and went where Penelope was and approched her from behind making her choke with with the lemonade she was drinking.

Penelope: "Colin!" - said as she spit lemonade all over herself and tried to wipe herself off with a tissue-

Colin: '' Are you alright? '' -said concerned as she was cleaning herself- "Did I scare you?"

Penelope: '' I was just not expecting you. '' 

Colin: '' Here...'' -he said, taking the tissue from her hand and helping her wipe the area on her cheek where a few lemonade drips had fallen-

Penelope: '' Th..ank you. '' - took the tissue from his hand and took a step back-

For a split second, they forgot they were in public and that their actions could be misconstrued, and they were unaware that people were staring at them. Lady Cowper was whispering to the other women standing close to Colin behind him, "Is he courting her? A spinster? ". One man was asking his wife if he seen that, and other were also whispering looking at them. Colin turned around and went to speak with Lady Cowper.

Colin: "Lady Cowper, is there anything you would like to share with us?"

Lady Cowper: ''We were merely startled that you are courting Miss Featherington.''

Colin: '' Why would that surprise you?''

Lady Cowper: '' Well, aside from your remarks from the previous year, she is ultimately a spinster."

As soon as Penelope heard that word, she stormed outdoors. Her cheeks were wet with tears.

Colin: '' I suggest you, Lady Cowper, to keep your gossip for yourself. '' - he left them specheless as he stormed outside to find Penelope-

Penelope went to a remote area of the garden and lean against a wall. The word spinster gets to her each time and also the fact that people consider outrageous for Colin to court her. It hurts !

Colin: '' Penelope...''

Penelope: '' Colin, please, leave me alone!''

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