Cap. 21 - He left

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Penelope hasn't seen Colin in a few days, and he wasn't even at his house. After their conversation, Eloise informed her that he had departed early in the morning and that she had no idea where he had gone.

Most likely, he left, traveled once again, and left her behind. Maybe he understood that he couldn't forgive her and that his feelings for her weren't strong enough to get married. She had to embrace that faith now that she had brought it upon herself. She was alone now that Colin had left.

One positive outcome from the whole incident was that she was reunited with Eloise; in fact, they were sitting and sipping tea in the Featheringtons' drawing room.

Eloise: "I swear, I asked everyone in that house about him. My mother does not know and, even if she doesn't want to show it, she is worried. I do think Anthony knows something, but he does not want to tell me.'' -said raising her sholders-

Penelope: '' El, it's not important anymore. It was the appropriate thing for him to leave. He could not bear it. ''

Eloise: ''He cannot leave in such manner. You are engaged, he asked for your hand, and he says he loves you.''

Penelope: '' He does not love me!'' -said, cutting Eloise off.-

Eloise: ''Pen, he truly loves you. He'll return and give an explanation of his actions.''

Penelope: ''I just don't want to think about it anymore. Should we attend Lady Danbury's ball this evening?''-asked in an effort to change the subject-

Eloise: "We have to or she will hunt us down." -stated and then drinked some tea-

In that moment the drawing room door opened wide and Portia entered the room with a solemn expression on her face.

Portia: "Miss Bridgerton, I'm so glad you're here. Perhaps you could respond to my questions as Penelope is unable to?"

Penelope: '' Mama...''

Portia: '' Where is your brother? He practically demanded Penelope's hand when he hurried here the other day, but he is now nowhere to be found. The engagement celebration should have happened days ago.''

Eloise: "My brother is traveling, but I'm sure he'll answer all of your questions at his return.''

Portia: "I sincerely hope he comes back." -glancing at Penelope - "You lost all of your opportunities if he does not return to marry you because you rejected Lord Debling for him. This family, unfortunately, cannot handle any more scandal.''

Penelope: '' There will be no scandal. Nobody knows that we were engaged.''

Portia: '' Were? ''

Penelope: '' Are...I meant are engaged.''

Raising her eyebrows and giving her a skeptical look, Portia opted not to say anything more. She hurriedly left the room, leaving Penelope and Eloise stunned.

Eloise: "He is going to return."

Penelope nodded, though she did not find that convincing. She was aware of Colin's tendency to flee from difficult or monotonous situations and his inability to stay still. He wasn't vile, though; he wouldn't end their relationship abruptly without warning her or at the very least sending her a letter.

Returning to her room, she prepared for the ball. She didn't feel like going, but she had to put on a brave face and go out in public. Nobody knew about her engagament yet and Lady Whisteldown stoppe publishing, for obvious reasons. 

She went for a light pink outfit that has purple butterflies sewn into the bottom of it. She secured the right side of her hair with a butterfly clip and let her beautiful red curls fall loose.

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