Cap. 3 - Of course you would never court me

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Penelope felt all the eyes pointed at her; every single person was intrigued by her presence and her change. She was feeling really good dressed in another color beside the typical Featherington bright yellow.

She started to make her way through the crowded ballroom and saw Colin Bridgerton in the distance. Her heart started pounding, so she took several deep breaths to calm her nerves and decided to walk to the opposite side of where Colin was standing to avoid meeting him up close.

Colin, from his side of the ballroom, had a good view of Penelope's entrance. He caught himself with his mouth open and his throat dry, so he took a big mouthful of the drink in his hand without taking his eyes off his friend, who was walking on the opposite side of him.

She was so changed, still so herself. For God's sake, she looked beautiful. He had never seen her that way before because she was just Pen, her good friend.

He left the group of Gentelmen that were quiet at that time and headed towards her.

Penelope had her back turned, and she was startled when she heard her name.

Colin: '' Pen...'' -he said and watched her turn around and look into his eyes-

Penelope: '' Mr. Bridgerton!'' - said, and they both bowed in greeting-

Colin: '' I am happy to see you tonight. I've been meaning to talk to you. '' -he smiled, but her serious face did not change-

Penelope: '' Were you really? Why is that?''

Colin: '' I wanted to apologize for what was written in Lady Whiseldown's paper. I made a huge mistake, and I did not mean those words.'' -he said with regret-

Penelope: '' You do not need to apologize, Mr. Bridgerton. What is done is done!''

She said, and her eyes shiffted while Lady Danbury approached them.

Lady Danbury: '' Miss Featherinton, I am really happy you came to this dance. Let me tell you, you look brilliant tonight, is she not, Mr. Bridgerton? - said and looked at Colin while asking that question-

Colin: '' Brilliant is an understatement. '' -said, smiling at Penelope-

Penelope: '' Thank you, Lady Danbury. I have decided to choose my own colors for my gowns, and my mother is so busy with my sisters that she allowed it. '' -smiled-

Lady Danbury: '' That is an excellent idea. Between you and me, I was never a fan of the yellow dresses your mother made you wear. It did not highlight your beauty. Maybe there is another reason for this change? '' - said and her eyes locked on Colin, who was not taking her eyes off Penelope-

Penelope: '' Yes, there is. I decided to take a husband this season, and I think a change of outfit could be a step forward. '' -she looked quickly at Colin, and her eyes locked on Lady Danbury-

After hearing that, Colin needed another sip of the drink he had in hand.

Colin: '' You don't need to change anything to find a husband, Pen. You are perfect the way you are.''

Penelope's heart started pounding again as she looked into Colin's dark blue eyes.

Lady Danbury: '' Funny for you to say that, Mr.Bridgerton, mostly after what Lady Whisteldown wrote on the paper. I hope those were all lies. '' -said serious-

Penelope: ''Lady Whisteldown never writes lies.'' -said in a soft voice-

Lady Danbury: '' That is unfortunate, Mr.Bridgerton. I hope you have a good apology in hand for Ms. Feathrington. '' - looked at Penelope, and then her eyes moved to another person- '' Excuse me!'' - said and left Penelope and Colin alone once again-

Colin: '' Pen...I...'' -said, not finding the right words to say-

Penelope: '' You do not need to apologize, Mr. Bridgerton. Of course you would never court me, and I do not wish for you to do so.''

Colin: '' Still, I should have never said those words, and for that, I am truly sorry.''

Penelope: '' That is alright. '' -looked away-

Colin: '' Would you like to dance, Pen? - said smiling-

Penelope: '' You do not have to dance with me out of pity anymore, and I am sure your mother did not force you to ask me this time. ''

Colin: '' I would never dance with you out of pity, Pen. Do not say that anymore. ''

He said this and looked deep into her bright blue eyes. There was a kind of severity in her eyes, a kind of hardness that was not characteristic of sweet Penelope. He has never been forced to dance with her, yes, his mother suggested it a couple of times, but he was more than happy to dance with her.

Penelope: '' Still, I do not wish to dance with you, Mr. Bridgerton. By now, I am considered a spinster, so there is no need for dancing.''

Colin: '' You are not a spinster!'' -said clear and loud-

Penelope: '' I am in my third year on the marrige mart, and I do not see a line of gentlemen proposing to me any time soon.''

Colin: '' Pen, you are not a spinster, and you will not be a spinster. Your lack of confidence in yourself might be the problem.''

Penelope: '' Thank you, Mr. Bridgerton, but I do not need advice on this matter. I shall join my family, excuse me. ''

Penelope got away from Colin, leaving him wanting to talk more, wanting to dance with her, and feeling like she truly forgave him for what he said last season. He felt she did not, and the use of the appellative Mr. Bridgerton made him want to do everything to have Pen, his dear friend, back in her life and have her forgiveness.

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