Cap. 12 - You are so beautiful, Penelope

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Colin left Penelope discussing with Lord Debling. He needed to go away, he was about to do a crazy thing and if Lord Debling hadn't interrupted them, he would have told her how much he wants her. Now, with his head cold, he knows he would have done something wrong.

He does not know what wanting hear means and he knows she deserve much better than confusion. He joined his mother and Eloise who were in the middle of a discussion.

Violet: ''Yes, Lady Danbury informed me that he is genuinely interested in her.''

Eliose: "I'm happy for her if that's what she's looking for."

Violet: ''I am too, but I always considered her a family member, and I will miss her when she marries and moves away.''

Colin: "What are you talking about?" -asked, cutting them off.

Violet: '' seems like Lord Debling has a serious interest in her.''

Colin: ''They met just now! -spoken with dismay-

Violet: ''Yes, but he had seen her earlier.''

Eloise: "It appears that Lord Debling wants to marry quickly, and he wants to court and eventually propose to Penelope."

Colin: ''Penelope will never marry a stranger.'' -displeased-

Eloise: '' Well, she did said she wants to get marrried this season. Why would she refuse?''

Colin: '' Well..because she does not know him.''

Violet: "Getting to know someone is the main goal of courtship."

Colin shakes his head and gives a disapproving smile. After giving Penelope a fleeting glance, he excuses himself from his family and leaves.

Lord Debling and Penelope were strolling in the garden. He was sharing with her his stories about his travels, his constant love of the natural world, and his devotion to animals.

Penelope: '' I find very interesting your devotion thourds animals. I, myself, always wanted to have a pet, but my mother forbbit it.''

Lord Debling: ''Having a pet is lovely; it gives you something to focus on and to not mention their unconditional love. What other interest do you have, Miss Featherington?''

Penelope: '' I love reading, I've always loved romance novels, but I also enjoy reading about cities I've never been to.''

Lord Debling: '' What other place would you like to visit?''

Penelope: '' I've always been interested in Italy. ''smiled and looked away catching Colin's glance in the distance.- '' I would like to see Paris as well.''

Lord Debling: ''I haven't been there yet, but who knows, perhaps in the future. '' - grinned

Colin had already finished his third glass of wine and was seeing from a distance how charming Penelope was with Lord Debling. Perhaps Eloise is correct—she won't say no to a proposal if one is made, and he will lose her the moment that happens. Penelope will marry someone, and it's unlikely that they will cross paths again.That single thought was torture for him.

Benedict: '' Brother? It appears that you are distressed.''

Colin: '' I am just bored, I had enough of this parties.''

Benedict: '' You just came back from your travels and you are already boared?''

Colin: ''I am not finding any happiness here. All of these gatherings are the same: young ladies seeking marriage.''

Benedict: '' Are we talking about a young woman in particular? '' -asked, pointing with his head toward Penelope-

Colin: '' What? ''

Benedict: '' C'mon brother, you can tell me. I am not blind, you know? I have been observing you and keeping an eye on you when you are with her. My question is, are you going to do something or are you going to let her slip through your fingers?''

Colin: '' You are misinterpreting, Benedict. Penelope is my friend, that's all.''

Benedict: "Do you wish for her to be something more?"

Colin: '' I do not...I am confused, alright! '' -erupted in anger- ''She is a good woman, and I will never take that away from her just because I'm confused. She deserves someone who has his life together."

Benedict: '' That is the right call and you are a good man for prioritizing her needs.''

Colin: "I should go home; I need to rest and I've already had enough to drink."

Benedict: '' Colin, should I come with you?''

Colin: ''No need, just keep having fun at this party.''

Colin directed toward the door. He wasn't feeling well at all, and drinking wine didn't help his turbulent thoughts. He heard a voice shouting for him as he waited for his carriage and turned to see Penelope's face.

Penelope: "Colin? Leaving so soon?" -asked as she approached him-

Colin: ''Yes, I am heading out. I don't find this gathering to be enjoyable, and no amount of alcohol will change that.''

Penelope: "Oh, you seem to be upset?"

Colin: '' I am tired, that is all. You should go back inside, Penelope. From what I could see, you were having fun at this gathering.''

Penelope: '' It is a beautiful party and Lord Debling is a good company.''

Colin: "It appears that he is intrigued by you."

Penelope: "It's too early to say anything, but I think he might be."

Colin: '' Good...'' -said and looked away to see if his carrige was coming-

Penelope: '' Colin, earlier, you said you wanted to ask me something. ''

Colin: '' Did I?''

Penelope: '' Yes, you did and you looked very serious about it.''

Colin: '' I was ... nothing, it was nothing important.'' -lowerd his eyes from her eyes to her lips-

Her lips were so tempting, so soft. He took a step forward and being very close to her, he gently stroked her left cheek with his hand. She closed her eyes at his touch and if she sighs deeply.

Penelope: '' What are you doing? '' -she said softly-

Colin: '' You are so beautiful, Penelope!'' -said quietly, keeping his face an inch or two away from her lips-

Penelope: '' Colin...'' -she mumbled.-

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