Cap. 6 - Compliments

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In a letter to Penelope, Colin asked her to come to the Bridgerton House drawing room for the first lessons he wanted to teach her.

She was anxious about the lessons, but she was much more anxious about seeing Colin and spending time alone with him. She had loved that man since the first time she watched him stumble from his hourse in the park, despite her best efforts to hide her feelings.

Actually, it was her fault he felt down of that horse. One of the ribbons in her hair fell off in the breeze as she and her family strolled through the park. She ran to get it, but Colin lost his vision and feel down the hourse when the ribbon got in his face. She was embarrassed to see how covered in dirt he was when she came closer. He jumped up and burst out laughing as she began to apologize to him. To her ears, the sound of his laugh was melodic. She looked at him more closely and saw his stunning dark blue eyes. That was the exact moment she fell in love, and she has been in love with him ever since.

She buried those feelings deep after the previous season, knowing he would never consider her more than a friend. She needed to get married and get away from her familiy. She needed to get her liberty and all those things, Colin will never offer them to her.

Since she informed her mother that she was going to see Eloise, she has not taken her maid. She thought, that even if she told her mother she was going to go see Colin, her mother would have not insist to take a maid, since she is convinced that Colin could marry her if they were found in a compromising situation. Naturally, she would never permit that.

The majordom of Bridgerton greeted Penelope and led her to the drawing room while he proceeded to inform Colin that she had arrived. Penelope passed by the window as he shut the door behind him. She noticed what appeared to be a diary on the table next to the window. She saw that it was written by Colin and that it was open. She knew that since, up until last season, when she made the decision to stop responding to them, they had exchanged several letters when he was traveling.

She leans forward to read the words that were written in that diary. He was writing passionately and intensely about his travels. She could not stop from reading, she felt like she was there with him.

Colin: "Penelope!" he exclaimed, standing behind her. "What are you doing?" he asked, sounding irritated.

Penelope turned to face him and murmured, "Colin." There wasn't much of a distance between them, ''I apologize , it was open and it cought my attention.''

Colin moved past her and took the diary and closed it. Backing the window, he turned around and gave her a glance. She looked down, humiliated.

Colin: '' Nobody told you that you should not read other people's diary?'' 

Penelope: ''I did not...It was not my intention." she stated, taking a few steps back to create a space between them. '' Your writing is beautiful, Colin''

Colin: ''It's only for me, so I remember the specifics of my journey.''

Penelope: "I apologize once more; I should not have read it." -said, retracing her steps - "I better go." -turned around and headed for the door.

Colin: "Hold on!" As she turned to face him, he called her and said, "Don't go. I'm sorry if I sounded angry; I'm not used to having people read my diaries. You see, they're just my personal thoughts, and they might not be appropriate reading for a young woman like you.''

Penelope: "What do you mean?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Colin: "Oh, forget it! Wouldn't it be best to get our lessons underway?''

Penelope: ''Certainly."

Colin asked the majordom to brig some food and tea, while Penelope when to sit on the chiar by the window. He immediately joined her.

Colin: ''So, yesterday was merely a means of understanding how you relate to other people. I never knew you were that shy, I never saw it before, at least you are not like that around me.''

Penelope: ''I was, at first. We have now been acquainted for a long time and have developed a friendship of sorts. That's not what I have with other gentlemen.''

Colin got up and got the tea for the two of them, saying, "There's no need for a friendship with the other gentlemen."

Penelope got to her feet as well, reaching for the teacup Colin had handed her. Penelope's body experienced an electrifying sensation when their hands connected again. She raised the cup to her lips, sipping the tea, and then set it back on the table.

Colin followed suit, giving her a somewhat analytical look.

Penelope: '' Then what should I do?''

Colin: '' Men are simple.'' 

Penelope: '' Yes, you have mentioned that. '' -she added, cutting him off- '' Please pardon me, but I do not think you men are simple.''

Colin chuckled.

Colin: '' We are more than you women. '' -smiled- '' You expect so much from a man; for instance, you expect him to make the first move always, you expect compliments and kind words.''

Penelope: '' 'Colin, this is how women are raised in this society. We are not permitted to exercise initiative. -spoken in a slightly irate tone-

Colin: ''That is incorrect. Yes, it is reasonable to expect males to initiate contact with a young woman; otherwise, it would be absurd. However, I will reveal a little secret to you: men enjoy receiving compliments on their appearance just as much as women do.''

Penelope gave him a curious glance. She never got compliments on her appearance, and she definitely never provided compliments on a man's appearance.

Colin: '' Here, try it on me.''

Penelope: '' Excuse me?''

Colin: ''Pretend I'm a stranger you're interacting with at a ball. How would you compliment me. ''

Penelope: '' I cannot do that, Colin.''

Colin: '' Try! '' said looking deep into her eyes.

She turned to face him again and met his eyes directly. Between them, silence descended. She was in love with him for so many years, but it was never about the looks. He was hansome indeed, but there was so much more about him that she loved. Unsure of what to say, she focused on the single physical feature she had initially noticed in him.

Penelope: '' Your eyes...the most incredible shade of blue. Somehow they shine even brighter when you are kind. '' 

Colin was stunned by her statement. Her voice was so gentle, and she made her blue eyes and her friendliness stand out to him with a special dilation of the pupil. That compliment seemed real, genuine, and sincere to him. Penelope's chest was twitching wildly and she was breathing heavily. He never looked away from her for even a moment. Colin swallowed hard and opted to take a sip of tea and look away from Penelope. Penelope looked down as well.

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