Cap. 18 - You have to reveal your secret

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Colin walked over to Penelope and took her hand.

Colin: '' We are getting married. I hope you approve, brother. I will marry her even if you don't, but I'm hoping you'll agree.''

Anthony: '' Approve? Have you lost your mind? ''

Everyone turned to stare in shock at Anthony. That was hardly the comment they had anticipated.

Anthony: "We were practically placing bets on how long it would take you to ask Penelope to marry you." Benedict laughed at this

Benedict: '' We did! Sorry Colin, I had to keep Anthony informed.''

Anthony: '' Welcome to the family, Penelope.'' -approched her and gave her a warm hug- " You've been a part of our family for a long time, but I'm glad Colin is finally making it official. "

Everyone, with the exception of Eloise, who wasn't there, went on to embrace the two of them. Eloise did not go with her family, faking illness. That made Penelope unhappy, and she needed to talk to her.

Penelope: "Lady Violet, would you mind if I went to talk to Eloise for a little while?"

Lady Violet: ''Yes, please. She's in her room; you should already be familiar with the route.''

Penelope nodded and left the drawing room. She knew Eloise was not ill, she knew that her former friend did not want to congratulate her in any manner, but she needed to talk to her. She missed her so much and she was heartbroken not to be able to enjoy that wonderful news with her.

She knocked on the door and then went inside the room. Eloise was curled up with a book on the couch beside her window. Closing her book, she glanced at the door and saw Penelope there. She then stood up to confront her old friend.

Eloise: '' What do you want, Penelope?''

Penelope: '' Your mother told me you are sick, I came to see how you were feeling.''

Eloise: '' Do not play dumb, Penelope. You are aware that I am not ill, yet I may feel nauseous knowing that you agreed to wed my brother.''

Penelope: '' Eloise, please do not say that. '' 

Eloise: '' What do you want me to do? Congratulate you? '' -asked and the moved back to her couch- ''Tell me, Penelope, how did you do it? How did you persuade my brother into getting married to you?''

Penelope: '' I did not persuade him, he proposed. Never would I deceive him into marrying me.'' -said with tears in her eyes-

Eloise: ''You should have declined.''

Penelope: ''I couldn't. I love him, I loved him for all this time and I was not able to say no. '' -exclamied - ''Eloise, you know...''

Eloise: ''No, I don't know anything about you, Penelope,'' Eloise said, ''I didn't know about Lady Whisteldown, I didn't know about your love for Colin, I don't know you anymore.''

Penelope: '' Yes, you do. The only person who truly knew me was you; you witnessed my laughs and tears and showed me love even when my own family did not. Lady Whisteldown does not imply that you have never known me. If only I could have the opportunity to explain, to tell you the whole story.''-wiped away her tears- "Eloise, I miss you so much."

Eloise: "Does he know?" -Eloise inquired, cutting her off once more.-"Have you told my brother that you are the one behind all the nasty gossip the society has?"

Penelope: ''No, he is not aware of it. But I swear to you, I will inform him.''

Eloise: "You know that he will hate you?" exclaimed Eloise as she stood up and moved toward her.

Penelope: "I will accept that risk, and I will understand if he decides to end our relationship after learning the truth."

Eloise: ''So why continue the relationship if you think he'll break it off the moment you reveal your secret?''

Penelope lowered her glance and moved to go beside the window. Glancing around, she realized that Eloise was right, he will hate her, we will not marry her after finding out and she will lose him forever. Tears were running down her cheeks without her realizing.

Eloise: '' ''Pen, I...'' began Eloise softly, pausing when Penelope turned to see that she was crying.''

Penelope: '' I cannot lose him, Eloise, not now that I have him, that he finally looks at me like I am a woman, but you are right, I will confess him my secret before this moves forward. It was not my aim to hurt you, and I do not want to hurt him.'' -sobbed and whipped her tears- ''I can't go on like this anymore. All I ever wanted was to protect you while the Queen thought you were Whisteldown.'' -said and directed herself to the door but she was met by Eloise who took her hand-

Eloise: '' Penelope, you should tell him, because he has the right to know, but not now. You should speak alone, just the two of you.''-said, surprising Penelope by embracing her-''I forgive you, Pen, I do not want you to suffer.''

Eloise felt the need to hug Penelope, she already forgave her time ago, but she was not ready to welcome her back into her life. She witnessed Penelope's suffering, her intense love for Colin, and her fear of losing him. Her brother is a kind man, if his feelings are strong enough, he will forgive her, but she should not start a marrige with a secret between them.

Eloise: '' Listen to me, Penelope.'' -said after breaking the hug and looking at her- '' We will go downstairs and we will celebrate your engagement. Tonight, I will help you meet Colin alone and talk.''

Penelope: '' Are you sure, Eloise?''

Eloise: '' Yes, I will find a way. Pen, I sincerely hope you will be understood by my brother. You seem to truly adore him, I can tell.''

Eloise and Penelope went together to the drawing room. Everybody was happy to have Eloise there with them to celebrate all the good news. Still, Penelope was serious and Colin noticed that, but he will talk to her about that later.

Penelope went back to her home after the festivities. She was struggling with herself and worried about Colin's response. He was a very proud man, and that secret could wreck everything, even though she believed that he loved her as much as she loved him.

Eloise went to see her brother. She intended to convice him to go see Penelope. She found Colin in his office.

Eloise: "Brother," she began as she walked into the room, "Can we talk?"

Colin: '' Sure, something wrong?''

Eloise: "You should go see Penelope," said Eloise. She must speak with you.''

Colin: ''How do you know that? Are the two of you no longer fighting?''

Eloise: '' No, we are not fighting. Would you kindly go see her?''

Colin: ''Eloise, it's getting really late. I'll speak with her first thing tomorrow.''

Eloise: ''No, you have to go right away. Please, it's vital; I promise you.''

Colin felt nervous because Eloise's insistence was out of the ordinary. He got up and came over to her.

Colin: ''How am I going to enter her house? At this hour, nobody will let me inside.''

Eloise had previously spoken with Penelope's maid and bribed her to lead Colin to Penelope's room and also to keep her mouth shut about that.

Eloise: '' Just go there, the maid will help you.''

Colin: '' Eloise, I am getting worried. Did something happend to Pen? '' -asked worried-

Eloise: "She needs to talk to you, but nothing bad happened to her."

Colin grabbed his coat and made his way to the door. Eloise stopped him for a second.

Eloise: '' Colin? '' -stopped him and he turned to face her- '' Do you love her?''

Colin: '' With all my heart.''

Eloise: '' Remember that tonight.'' -Eloise remarked, to which Colin nodded before leaving the office-

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