Cap. 29 - Mister and Miss

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After making a bow before the Queen, Penelope departed leaving Lady Danbury there with the Queen. She walked out of the palace breathing hard, she felt like she's been running and when she was out, she stopped to catch her breath.

A carrige pulled out in front of her and she looked up.

Colin: '' Penelope Featherington, get inside this carrige now! ''

Penelope: '' Colin...''

Colin: ''What on earth were you thinking, Penelope? Why won't you listen to me?

Penelope: '' Colin, listen...''

Colin: '' No, you listen to me, I won't allow you to enter and speak with the Queen. You must get into that carrige and we will go home and study a plan together.''- said angry grabbing her arm to rush her into the carrige-

Penelope: "Colin, I already spoke to the Queen!" she exclaimed, raising her voice and moving away from his grasp-

Colin: '' You did what? '' -said in desbelif- '' She's gone mad! '' -added, turning to face Anthony-

Anthony: '' Colin, calm down! Permit Penelope to talk.''

Colin: '' Alright, explain yourself!'' -remarked glancing at her-

Anthony decided to go back inside the carrige and let them talk alone.

Penelope turned to face him, and she couldn't help but chuckle a little. She knew it was not the right moment, but seeing Colin so protective of her made her happy. Colin looked surprised since he did not know why she was smiling. He was angry with her, but watching her have that smile on her face made him love her even more. All he wanted was to hold her and never let go because everytime he lets go of her, she complicates everything.

Penelope: ''I told the Queen that I am Lady Whisteldown, I asked for her forgivness and she granted it. In fact, she encourged me to keep writing.''

Colin: '' She won't harm you?'' -replied, exhaling heavily-

Penelope: ''She won't hurt me or punish me, I promise.'' -she approched him and grabbed his hands- '' We are fine, so, if you still want me, I would very much like to marry you as soon as possible.''

Colin: '' What about Whisteldown?''

Penelope: ''Colin, Whisteldown is a part of me, a part I cannot abandon. I know you do not like it, I know it gets to you, but I am both, Colin and if that is something that you cannot accept, you should not marry me. I realize my column hurt a lot of people, insulted a lot of people, and I know people will condemn me, so I will understand if you do not wish to proceed with the wedding. I will accept whatever you decide, Colin.''

Colin: '' Penelope...I am aware that you are both; I've known from the beginning that you are a fascinating woman. I acknowledge that you are a lady with aspirations and dreams, and that you have found a passion in life. I must admit that I am a little jealous of you. '' -he raised his hand and caressed her cheek - '' Therefore, if you still want me, I would love to marry you, spend the rest of my life gazing at your beauty as you write, and be your biggest supporter.'' -he leaned forward and kissed her cheek - ''I can't wait to love you every night till the first sunbeams appear through our window and I wake up with you wrapped in my arms. I love you so much, Penelope Featherinton. '' -he gave her a quick, gentle kiss on her lips-

Penelope: '' Colin...I love you! I always did and I always wil.''

Anthony: '' Alright you two,'' -said Anthony getting out of the carrige- ''  Get in the carrige before you cause a scandal in front of the Queen's palace.''


When they all got back to the Bridgertons' home, they decided it was time to let the family know who Penelope really was. She no longer desired to conceal her identity, nor did she wish to join the Bridgerton family with secrets. Penelope anticipated that after telling them the entire tale, they would evaluate her based on her actions, her writing, and the things she wrote about them. She thought Lady Violet would object to her son geting married to her, but that didn't happen.

When Hyacinth learned the news, she hugged Penelope and expressed her excitement at becoming her sister. Lady Violet informed her she understood her and was impressed, even proud.

Lady Violet's affirmations were joined by the rest of the family. They were actually rather amused, than upset. Colin was merely pleased with her courage.


As she made her way down the long aisle toward the altar, she caught a glimpse of the love and happiness radiating from his eyes. Colin was mesmerized by Penelope's beauty, a vision in white and tears welled up in his eyes. That woman in front of him, walking so gracefully towards him, she is the woman of his life, she is his love and he feels like the luckiest man.

They realized their love for each other is eternal and eternal when their hands came together and their gaze locked.

The ceremony was simply beautiful and the emotions were seen in the eyes of the present guests. Everyone in attendance cheered them on as they were pronounced man and wife. Penelope glanced over and saw Eloise mopping away her tears. She had to admit, she was crying too, and with a kiss, that relationship was forever sealed.

The suggestion by his current wife that they dance was, in Colin's opinion, the highlight of the wedding reception. Given that it was a brunch reception, this was not an ordinary request, but he didn't care what people thought. Colin grasped her hand, and they started dancing in the center of the room. It was their first dance together as a married couple, but it most likely won't be their last.

Colin: '' Are you happy, my wife? '' -inquired while he was  twirling her around-

Penelope: '' More than happy, my husband!'' -exclaimed, grinning-

Colin: '' You have no idea how much I want to kiss you  right now.'' -he leaned forward-

Penelope: '' Mr. Bridgerton, we have an audience. How would people perceive it?''

Colin: ''That we are madly in love with one another and I will prove it to you tonight.''

Penelope: '' Mr. Bridgerton!'' -exclaimed blushing-

Colin: '' When you call me like that, it just makes me want you more. '' -whispered in her ear while dancing-

Penelope: '' I thought it made you angry.'' -said chuffing as she felt his hot breath on her ear-

Colin: ''Only when you expressed it with rage. When you say that with such desire that it makes me feel...''

Penelope: ''Colin Bridgerton, please stop otherwise our wedding reception will not last long.''

Colin: ''That's alright with me. Should we go and begin our honeymoon sooner?'' -said with a sidelong glance at her-

Penelope: '' What about your family, my family, the guests?''

Colin: '' Trust me, they will all understand.''

The dance ended and the married couple approched their families. They told them that they would like to retire citing fatigue as an excuse. When Anthony snorted in laughter, they realized that no one believed them, but what did it matter. They were newly wed, very much in love with each other. They just wanted to be alone and show all this love in ways that cannot be mentioned out loud.

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