Cap. 13 - He wants her

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Her lips were so tempting, so soft. He took a step forward and being very close to her, he gently stroked her left cheek with his hand. She closed her eyes at his touch and if she sighs deeply.

Penelope: '' What are you doing? '' -she said softly-

Colin: '' You are so beautiful, Penelope!'' -said quietly, keeping his face an inch or two away from her lips-

Penelope: '' Colin...'' -she mumbled.-

He placed his hand on her chin and lifted her head. With her eyes open now, Penelope met his gaze. His face was serious and his pupils were dilated. His facial features were flawless. Her mouth was slightly parted, nearly prepared to accept his. Penelope closed her eyes again and he was so near that their lips met softly in a mear touch. Colin gave her a brief glance before stepping back from Penelope.

Colin: '' I beg you, Penelope, go back inside!''

Penelope opend her eyes and looked at him. She was confused and he could see that confusion in her eyes. He also saw her eyes filled with tears. She turned her back to Colin and left him there. He took a big breath of air and  angrily took off his tie.

Penelope hurried back inside and left the celebration, claiming to have a headache. After getting her carrige, she returned home. Her confusion stemmed from Colin's behavior. He was about to kiss her again and this time she did not asked for it. Why was he doing that to her? It was torture.

The following morning, Colin awoke with a severe headache. He was tormented by his actions from the previous night. He was about to kiss Penelope and then left her confused and in tears. He felt compelled to go to her and apologize after hurting her again. However, he didn't feel guilty about pursuing his desires. With a passion that filled every part of his body, he desired her. Last night, he wanted to kiss her, but he was glad he stopped. She is a lady, and she deserves better than stolen kisses in the night.

When he got downstairs, he discovered that only Benedict was home at the time, while her mother and sisters had gone to the modiste. Entering the drawing room, he saw his brother reading the newspaper. 

Benedict: '' finally woke up.'' -said enthusiastic-

Colin: '' Lower your voice, my head hurts.''

Benedict: '' Too many drinks last night, right?''

Colin: '' Only if that was all...'' -said sitting on the couch-

Benedict: '' Something else happened?''

Colin: '' I was about to kiss Penelope. '' -he said and closed his eyes resting his head on the sofa

Benedict: '' Colin, even I am not that reckless.'' -said scolding him

Colin: '' I know, but what do you want me to do? It was an impulse.''

Benedict: ''You cannot destroy a woman's reputation out of a sudden whim. Penelope is a respectable lady. What is wrong with you, Colin?''

Colin: '' Do you think I know? -bursted out- '' If I knew, I wouldn't be in this situation. I have no idea what's wrong with me or why Penelope appears in all of my wicked thought. Since we kissed, I cannot stop...''

Benedict: '' Since you kissed? '' -asked interrupting him- '' When did you kiss? You said you almost kissed her. I am not sure I understand''

Colin: ''We had a kiss a few days ago. She requested me to kiss her, thinking that the Whisteldown paper had destroyed her.''

Benedict: '' And you did? - remarked in a startled tone

Colin: ''I'm haunted by that moment. Benedict, you must keep this a secret from others.''

Benedict: ''Definitely, I won't tell anyone.'' -sighted- ''Colin, I'm not good at providing advice; I'm sure Anthony would have found a better way to put it, but if your suffering is solely sexual, that's what brothels are for.

Colin: ''Please, Benedict, that is not it. Penelope is not just that for me. She is growing into a stunning woman; she is kind and cheerful, and she gets me. I can always count on her for comfort. I kissed her and now I am confused because I would very much like to kiss her again and again, but I do not want to ruin our friendship.''

Benedict: '' Colin, I believe you should tell her this and see where it goes.''

They were interrupted by their mother and Eloise entering the drawing room.

Violet: "It's so good to see you, my dears."

Benedict: "You look uncommunically happy, mother."

Violet: "Your sister Daphne is planning a ball for tonight now that she is back in London."

Eloise: "Those are the things that make mother happy," -stated sitting next to Colin and looked at him- '' Are you quite well?'' 

Colin: '' I am fine, I just have a serious headache.''

Eloise: '' Too many glasses of wine, I assume.''

Colin: '' I need to take care of some things. I will see you tonight.'' -said after standing up-

Violet: '' Colin, please do not skip your sister's ball.'' 

Colin: '' I will not, mother.'' -said and left the room-

Colin went outside and had a look at Penelope's residence. He tries to make a speech in his head, but he was at a loss for words. As she watched Lord Debling leave Penelope's home, his focus strayed from the speech he was composing in his head to that departure.

Furious, Colin crossed the street and headed to the Featherington residence. A short distance from the entrance, he paused and inhaled deeply. He wanted to knock at that door, go inside and step in front of Portia Featherington and tell her he would not permit other men to court Penelope.

He took two more deep breaths and stepped back. That was not the proper time, that was not the correct approach, and things won't work out that way. He had to talk to her first and now he knows what he want from her. He wants her entirety and constantly.

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