Cap. 8 - Would you kiss me?

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Penelope moved to a secluded spot in the garden and propped herself up against a wall. The word spinster gets to her each time and also the fact that people consider outrageous for Colin to court her. It hurts !

Colin: '' Penelope...''

Penelope: "Leave me alone, Colin, please!"

Colin: "No, I won't leave you alone." -said, as he approached her - "Pen, please don't cry."

Penelope: "Why did you do that?" - questioned, wiping away her tears -

Colin: '' What are you talking about? '' - said confused-

Penelope: ''That act that made everyone whisper about me. Why would you want to put me in that position again? - yelled-

Colin: '' Pen...I didn't...''

Penelope: ''Is the humiliation I have already experienced not enough? Colin, what were you thinking?"

Coline: '' I was not thinking. '' -moved closer to her and said- "We are friends and I never thought people will see it as me courting you and I did not think people will start weaspering. It was a natural gesture.''

Colin spotted tears welling up in her eyes as he drew nearer to her. Her face was lit by the light from the candels in the garden. It was such gorgeous light on her.

Colin: '' Please forgive me, Pen.'' - said in a lower voice-

That's when Penelope realized that no matter how hard she tries, the ton will never take her seriously. She is perceived by all as a wallflower and spinster who will never have the opportunity to be married. The worst thing is that she had the same thinking right then and there.

Penelope: '' Colin...'' -said softly- '' Can I ask you for a favor?''

Colin: "Sure!" -he replied, unsure if that was the appropriate response after saying so hastily.

Penelope: "Would you kiss me?" she inquired, her eyes welling with tears as she peered into his to find a response-

Colin: "What?" -he said in a startled tone-

Penelope: "I am in my third year on the marriage mart, and I have definitely lost all hope. I am getting used to the idea of being a spinster for the rest of my life, but I cannot get used to the idea of dying without ever having been kissed''

Colin: '' You are not going to die anytime soon, Pen! - that was the best he was able to replay to her comment-

Penelope: '' I could die tomorrow and...''

Colin: '' You won't die tomorrow! '' -he exclaimed, cutting her off

Penelope: " I could and I would hate to die without knowing what a kiss feels like." -sobbed aloud - '' Please! '' said lowering her voice-

Colin could have think of so many reasons he should not kiss Penelope Featherington, the most important reason was that, in that very moment, there was nothing he wanted more than kissing her. He wanted to touch her lips with his and kiss her with passion, a passion that would consume both of them. That was so incorrect, but it was too late; his hand went to her chin, lifting her head so he could meet her gaze directly, and he gently brought his lips to hers for a gentle, tender kiss.

A mere touch of lips was exchanged before they shifted slightly apart to meet each other's eyes. He needed to feel her even more, and that was not quite enough. A deep yearning to kiss her was burning within him. He reached across to grab her waist, bringing her close so his lips touched hers. With a startled sigh, her lips moved slightly apart, allowing Colin to fit her lower lip between his.

He would never have imagined how profound and passionate that kiss was. In reality, he had never considered kissing Penelope before actually doing it, and he was unsure of how to stop now.

Penelope pulled away and looked at him. Colin's eyes were darker, full of passion and desire. He wanted more of her, so much more. She was so soft, so sweet ... how is it that he did not saw that before?

Penelope: '' Thank you! '' -said in a soft voice and ran away leaving him there wondering if those were the words he wanted to hear.


Dearest gentle readers,

According to what this author has been told, Lord Samadani, a distinguished gentleman invited from Vienna by the Queen herself, was drawn to Miss Francesca Bridgerton. Lord Kilmartin, a recent addition to the ton, showed a keen interest in Miss Francesca and they danced together at last night's ball. It is my opinion that Miss Francesca had already made her decision, but would the Queen approve of it? It can be rather challenging to choose between what your heart desires and what society expects of you.

However, the scandal surrounding the event once again featured Miss Penelope Featherington and Mr. Colin Bridgerton. There were rumors circulating in the ballroom that Mister Bridgerton was wooing Miss Featherington that evening, and that they were getting closer than they had ever been—closer than a dance. However, we must also keep in mind the remarks made by the third Bridgerton child on the third Featherington youngster during the previous season. The writer does not and will never accept the possibility that a Featherington might be approached by or wed a Bridgerton. They differ too much to clash.

If Penelope Featherington manage to marry a Bridgerton, this author should retire for good.

Yours truly,

Lady Whiseldown


Whisteldown paper was placed on Penelope's bed by Portia as she barged into her room. She appeared irate that her daughter was the subject of rumors once more.

Portia: '' Can you explain this, Penelope? ''

Penelope: '' What did she wrote this time? - pointed to the paper and remarked-

Portia: '' It says that Colin Bridgerton was courting you and that people were mocking you. Even she mocked you.''

Penelope: '' Colin was just talking to me, and people misinterpreted. The fact that I am been mocked, is no news for me.''

Portia: '' Penelope, this friendship isn't doing you any good. This season, you have already gone on the Whisteldown twice. If you wish to get a husband, you need to stop creating gossip about you and the Bridgerton boy. That could scare man away and let's be honest, Colin Bridgerton will never marry you, not by his own choice. '' -said angrily, storming out of her room -

Penelope threw herself back onto the bed, her thoughts instantly returning to Colin's kiss. There was nothing, nothing at all, going on around her that concerned her. She would never kiss Colin again, but there was nothing that could make her smile but his kiss.

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