Cap. 14 - She will be his wife

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Seated beside the window, Penelope peered out into the horizon. From her room, she could see Colin's room and the back of the Bridgerton residence. He was most likely not home because the windows were closed. She thought about what had happened last night once more. It was unclear to her why Colin was about to kiss her. Why is he acting in that way?

Penelope turned to face Portia as soon as she recognized her presence in her chamber.

Penelope: "Mother, do you appear content? Has anything occurred?''

Portia: '' Lord Debling was here.'' -said grinning-

Penelope: '' Yes, I know that.''

Portia: "He requested my permission to make a proposal."

Penelope: '' Proposal? '' -she exclaimed, startled- '' But, we just met.''

Portia: '' So what? -asked- '' He has to be married quickly so that he can leave for his travels. He needs a wife to take care of his property. He believes that only you are capable of doing it.''

Penelope: '' Ohh...what did you answered?'' -Penelope asked, perched on the couch-

Portia: '' I agreeded, of course. '' -remarked sitting next to her- '' This is a good thing, Penelope. What more could you want?''

Penelope lowered her gaze. What more could she want? She wanted love, or at least caring, but she knows she won't have that and maybe this is her only chance to a proposal. Perhaps it is for the best, Lord Debling will always be gone and she will finally have her freedom.

Portia: '' Do not tell me you are hoping for love?''

Penelope: "No, of course not," she responded, glancing at her. "I agree, this is the best for me."

Portia: '' Wonderful. Penelope, I am so proud of you. This will benefit the entire family.'' -got up and looked at- '' Now, you should get ready, we will attend the Hastings's party. Lord Debling will be there and will make his proposal.''

Penelope was left by Portia to prepare. Penelope cried for the first time in a very long time. She cried bitterly, realizing that her life would never be the same and that she would have to bury all of her past feelings of love and leave Colin behind. As she had desired at the beginning of the season, she will be married, but to a different man than the one she had ever loved.

Before tonight's ball, Lady Violet and Francesca were making their way to the modiste. While moving around, she ran into Portia Featherington, who was ecstatic to tell them of Penelope's engagement. Unaware that Lord Debling was courting Penelope, Lady Violet was in distress. She was thrilled for Penelope, even though she had always hoped Penelope would eventually wed Colin.
She witnessed them grow up together and she witnessed the redhead girl fall in love with her son. In the hopes that Colin would finally see it, she remained silent.

Francesca noticed her mother was silent as they were returning home.

Francesca: '' Mother, is there something wrong?''

Lady Violet: '' No, nothing wrong. I was just thinking about what Portia told us. I've always believed...''

Francesca: '' That Penelope will marry Colin?'' -inquired, interrupting her mother-

Lady Violet: " Yes, that is what I thought."

They entered the house and went straight to the drawing room. With the exception of Anthony and Kate, who were still on their honeymoon, all of her children were present.

Benedict: '' Everything alright at the modiste?''

Lady Violet: '' Just fine. Are you fully set for this evening?''

Eloise: '' Can I skip this ball?''

Lady Violet: '' Of course not! We are all going. Beside, there is one more reason to go.''

Eloise: '' What is that?''

Lady Violet: '' We ran into Lady Featherington and it seems like Penelope will receive a proposal tonight at the ball.'' -said and turned to look at Colin- '' I feel like her friends should be there in this important moment in her life.''

Eloise: '' Who is going to propose?''

Francesca: '' Lord Debling will propose. He requested Lady Featherington's blessing.''

Colin: '' They just met, it is insane.'' -ramerked enraged-

Lady Violet: '' It is not insane, it is normal, Colin. That is how the marrige mart works.''

Colin was furious. Lord Debling wants to marry her right away; he didn't ask to court her. Did she accept this madness by saying yes? He tried to controll himself because he did not want his family to know how jealous he was feeling. 

Penelope cannot wed another man. He wants her and she will be his wife. Now he was certain about his feelings and about what he wants.

Colin: '' I will go prepare for the ball. - said and stormed out of the room-

Eloise: '' What is wrong with him? ''-said looking at Benedict-

Benedict: '' He is still unwell from the drinks of last night. '' -said and stood up- '' I will cheak on him.'' 

Bendict opted not to pursue Colin as he exited the room. He had to discover his true emotions on his own. He either stops Penelope or lets her go forever. He is a grown man and can figure our things on his own without been pushed into doing something.

The season's big event was the Hastings ball. Daphne did not save espenses. Everything has to be bigger and brighter. There were more than 500 guest. She had on a glittery gold dress in a vibrant blue color. Her hair was adorned with gold flowers. She was wearing her best smile, she had to. Tonight her life will change forever and she has to be happy for that. She proceeded to give the Duke and Duchess a salute. She always felt so loved and cared for by Daphne. The Bridgerton family's customary friendliness was evident in her.

As she went to the lemonade table, Lord Debling approched her. He grabbed a lemonade and gave it to her.

Lord Debling: '' Miss Featherington, you look lovely tonight.''

Penelope: '' Thank you, Lord Debling.''

Lord Debling: ''This ball is not like the others. The dukes executed brilliantly.''

Penelope: "They did, indeed. Even thought I assume Daphne is the sole creator of this ball. She has excellent detail-oriented skills.''

Lord Debling: '' She is a friends of yours, right?''

Penelope: '' Yes, I sort of grown together with the Bridgertons. I spent a lot of time with them, mostly with Eloise and Colin.''

Lord Debling: '' I did not see you in the company with Miss Eloise like I saw you in the company of Mr. Bridgerton.''

Penelope: ''I had a falling out with Eloise. I hope to regain her trust at some point in the future.''

Lord Debling: '' I hope that too. I hope you have female friends who will keep you company while I'm away. '' -grinned- '' 'I take it your mother told you about my plan to propose?''

Penelope: '' She did mentioned it.'' -lowered her glance-

Penelope was aware that he would ask her to marry him at that precise moment. Since the beginning of the season, she has been prepared. Love wasn't essential to her; she just wanted to find a husband. She was aware that Colin was the only person she could possibly love.

Lord Debling was cut off from speaking because a voice that she was so familiar with interrupted him. That voice that refuses to leave her heart and head.

Colin: '' Good evening! '' -said smiling- '' Miss Featherington, may I have this dance?'' -said looking at her and she looked at him in disbelif-

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