11. She Cannot Trust Him

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Ragini POV

"Daughter, I know this would be very weird for you, but my son did not rape you in his senses."

I could feel my breath hitching, recalling that wrathful night. My feet and hands turned numb, but what did she mean by saying 'not in the senses.'

"The Sarpanch's son, and his three friends, who used to eve tease you in the village, had drugged my son, so that he forces himself on you, and you...you undergo an unforgettable pain."

His mother informed me, and I gulped. I didn't know how to react at this moment. I mean, everyone knows what 'Dhanraj Singh Thakur' is capable of, then why was she whitewashing his misdeeds. Was she scared, that I would leave his son after that encounter? Maybe, but she didn't know that I couldn't even get back to my father. I'm already dead for him.

"Ma... don't worry, I won't give up on this marriage. I will always obey him."

I whispered, to make her feel better.

"What do you mean, daughter?....wait a second, do you think I'm lying to you?"

Her eyes widened with shock, and my heartbeats escalated. You messed it up Ragini! You are vexing your mother-in-law!"

"No! No...Ma..... it's not like that."

I lowered my gaze, and I couldn't decipher when tears accumulated at the corner of my eyes.

"Ragini, my daughter, I'm very well aware of the circumstances in which you both were married, but trust me, my son didn't do that deliberately. Those nasty men couldn't have you anymore, so they targeted my son to ruin you, to give you a lifetime scar."

She elucidated me, and somewhere I wanted to trust her, but remembering those predating eyes of my husband (unfortunately), who had traced my petite body that night, a shiver ran through my body.

No matter how much I try, I could not trust him. I could not feel safe around him.

"I understand, Ma!"

I mumbled, biting on my lower lip.

"I want you to talk to him once. He is regretting since that day. If things don't go as per your wishes, we'll find a better match for you, but discuss this relationship before giving up on it."

She asserted, and my heart began pounding inside my chest heavily. I don't want to see his face again. I know that I have no other option, that I'm bound to continue this relationship, that no one will save me, but my uncaged soul wanted to run away from this situation.

"Okay Ma!"

The words, that I never wanted to utter, slipped off my tongue ultimately.

"I'm sending him inside."

She caressed my head lovingly, and stood up to leave. Inhaling sharply, I gazed at her leaving me alone. I just wanted to hold her hand, and hug her tightly. I wanted to implore her to not leave me alone, but my poor fate didn't allow me to do any of these.

I had never imagined that the family who was loving me so immensely, would defend him like this. At the end, he was their son, and which mother could listen to anything against her own son? However, the case is entirely different when it comes to daughters.

She went outside, and retracted my legs, in a way that my knees touched my bosom, and I wrapped my arms around my folded legs. I began analysing my condition, just in case he forces himself on me again. Will I be able to endure the pain again?

Closing my weepy eyes, I placed my palm on my chest and tried to explain myself

This is your destiny, Ragini! You will have to bear it. This is what Narayan has planned for you. You must have committed many sins in your past life, that you are obliged to repent like this - firstly getting an unloving abusive father and a nasty brother, and then, a rapist husband, who will torment you legally because you are practically sold to him.

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