17. Confessions and Promises

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Ragini POV

"Did you meet her properly?"

He asked me with a smile, and I gazed at his face blankly.

I couldn't stop myself from bursting out, and embracing him tightly. He hugged me back instantly, getting astonished by my actions.

"Ragini.....Jaana, what happened?"

He cooed me, making me sob miserably. He immediately caressed my head gently, and patted my back a little, as I had started hiccuping in between the sobs.

"Jaana! What's wrong? Tell me! Did anyone trouble you?"

I shook my head, still crying like a little shattered baby. I coughed a little, and he offered me water. I sniffed, coming out of his embrace, and noticed that his shirt was soaked in my tears.

"I'm so sorry!"

I quavered, he glanced at his shirt, and shook his head.

"It's okay. This will be washed."

He cooed me, stroking those wet patches on his shirt.

"Not for that."

I yelped, in a throaty voice, hitting his chest slightly, followed by sniffing and he licked on his lower lip, getting bewildered.


He asked, and I hid my face in his chest again.

"I could never understand you. I......I kept blaming......you for that night. I'm sorry, I didn't know that....that you killed my molesters, and you.....you attempted suicide."

My voice kept breaking because of the sobs, he held my head firmly on his chest, and pecked the crown of my head.

"It is me who should apologise to you.....for an entire lifetime, for inflicting an unforgettable pain to you. Please jaana, please forgive me."

His voice sounded hoarse and throaty. Was he crying too?

I brought out my head of his hold in a jerk, only to notice his red tearful eyes, gazing at me with hope and regret.

I shook my head, and brushed off his tears.

"You were not in your senses."

I mumbled, he held my wrists, and pecked my palms before muttering

"I should not have drunk that night. I did exactly what they wanted. I ruined you in all ways possible. I shattered your hopes, your dreams, you belief on love, and whatnot."

"You know exactly where you were wrong, which means you accept your mistakes, and the repentance is clearly visible in your actions. You never had evil intentions for me, nor will you ever have any in the future. I forgive you for that night."

I asserted, making him peep directly into my eyes.

"But how do I forgive myself Ragini?"

He asked, with tear filled eyes.

"Surrender yourself to the Divine. Become what Narayan wants you to become."

I stated, and he gaped at me, followed by nodding positively.

"I will, for sure!"

I wrapped my arms around his chest again, and he secured me in his embrace.

"Thank you for taking care of me."

I muttered, recalling my childhood, when I wasn't treated well for being a girl.

"That's my duty.......and desire also."

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