43. 'No more Cigarettes'

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He left me all alone in tears

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He left me all alone in tears. Maasi was trying her best to make me feel better, but I just couldn't feel anything at all.

"Maasi, will he leave me now? I won't be able to survive without him."

I began sobbing more, placing my head on her shoulders.

"Relax, daughter. He cannot leave you. I know that he loves you."

She cupped my face, to peep into my eyes directly.

"And you know what, he loves you more than you love him."

She asserted, pacifying me a little.


Balraj bhaiya was there. Luckily, maasi had already covered me in a thick soft blanket, so my naked body wasn't visible to him.

I lowered my gaze in response, brushing off the tears with the back of my fingers.

"Tha... thakur saheb!"

Maasi mumbled, licking on her lips. People are scared of the Thakurs, so such a reaction was expected from her.

"Relax, mother. I'm here for my sister."

He asserted, walking inside maasi's small house. A few guards with guns also accompanied him, but they took their seats outside the house. This must be the first time when he is visiting such a small place.

He took a seat beside me, maasi immediately ran inside the kitchen to fetch some snacks and tea. I managed to lift up my tearful gaze, and sibilated under my breath before breaking into uncontrollable cries.


He instantly wrapped his arms around me, securing me in his warm embrace.

"Relax, my child. He is gone. He will never come back to torment you again. Do you wish to attend his last rites?"

Bhaiya asked me, and I instantly remembered my dead step-father. Maasi had already told me about his identity when he was being thrashed by thakur ji.

My mother loved his brother, who had promised to marry her, but he died in an accident leaving her all alone and pregnant with me. That is when his younger brother married my mother, since he had lusted over her for quite a long time.

She somehow gave me birth. He used to take my mother even when she was pregnant with me, and he wanted a 'boy' only.

Maasi told me that my mother used to scream a lot whenever he touched her, but no one could say anything because he was her husband officially. He used to thrash me since childhood.

He was happy when Chhuttan was born, but my mother couldn't survive for more than two years after that because her body was deprived of nutrients.

"No! I don't want to see his face anymore."

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