15. Red Saree

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Ragini POV

"Kya aap hume kal ghar chhod aayenge?"

"Will you return me back to my native place?"

I asked, anticipating the consequences of that event, that did not seem to be good at all for me.

"Ragini, my dear, please don't be worried about it. It's just a visit. Meet your Maasi, Pujari ji....and if you want um...your father and brother too."

He muttered, and it didn't take a moment for me to understand that he was lying. He could never go against Bade Thakur saheb, nobody in this city can do so, and now there was no escape for me.

This place was better, at least the other men didn't rape me over here, but this time I won't be spared. My father will definitely sell me away to a family where the entire locality would rape me.

I didn't break into discernable cries, but my heart was already weeping. We were lying together on the mattress, he was lovingly caressing my fingers with his free hand. His other bicep was placed under my head, and its fingers were playing with the strands of my hair.

"Why did you....."

I couldn't finish my question because of the lump that had formed in my throat, recalling that horrifying night.

"Jaana, I admit that I am no less than an animal, but I swear that I did not have plans to ruin you like that."

He muttered, staring at the ceiling. I saw a lone tear falling off his eye, travelling through his temple region, disappearing behind his earlobe.

"I never wished to rape you. I don't know you much, but I feel something whenever I'm around you. You know, you ease my past, my pain, my sufferings without even doing anything significant with me."

He turned his face to me, and asserted. What was he saying? Sufferings? What sufferings can a 'Thakur' undergo? And I ease his pain? What did I do?

"I don't want you to forgive me, Ragini! Even I cannot forgive myself for that."

He mumbled, tightening his embrace, that was unexpectedly making me feel safe, and I don't want to stay away from this feeling, especially when I am supposed to go back to that torturous place, that is unfortunately my home.

He kept patting me slowly, until I was on the verge of dozing off. I wanted to implore him to not leave me like this, but I did not have the courage to raise a voice for me.

Grappling between these unpleasant thoughts, I drifted off to sleep ultimately.





Ragini POV

I woke up in his arms the next morning, and realised that a few people were murmuring near us.

I sat up immediately, and gazed at the servants chuckling at us, but they stopped the moment I glanced at them.

"Manjli thakurain, what do you wish to eat for breakfast?"

One of them asked me. They must be knowing about the pasta we prepared last night, as the unwashed dishes were kept in the sink.

"I'll see to it."

I muttered, settling my disheveled saree and unkempt hair. They left, observing my uneasiness, and I tried to stand up from there, but I crouched back with a thud, because the end of my saree was tucked to the bottom of his shirt, near the pants.

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