50. The Insult

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I was extremely nervous to visit this place at first, but the people here, especially my husband made everything easy for me

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I was extremely nervous to visit this place at first, but the people here, especially my husband made everything easy for me.

Manjeet ji and her family were really sweet towards us, and their daughter.....she was no less than Goddess Lakshmi for me - so lively and cheerful. May Narayan bless her with all the happiness.

Thakur ji seemed irritated because of the lack of intimacy between us. Though I was also yearning for it, but troubling him felt satisfying to some extent so I was enjoying this phase.

I never knew that he would work this much, but the situation was different here. He was the employee, not the employer so he had to be obedient and punctual, and to be honest, he was managing everything perfectly.

My days used to pass beautifully discussing our motherland and culture with Manjeet ji as we prepared the food, or decorate the home.

Like all the days, this was also a beautiful day. My husband had already gone to the office, and here we were - the ladies, managing the home lovingly.

The laptop was switched on because I was working too. Manjeet ji lets me take rest and do my work, but I intentionally help her out because she is pregnant and she should not take much stress.

*Ring ring*

"Let me see who's there!"

Manjeet ji exclaimed, when we heard the doorbell.

I was still in the kitchen, preparing the chapatis.

"Hello! Come out."

A shrill feminine voice invaded my ears, making me hiss a little before I switched off the knob of the gas stove. Wiping off my hands and correcting my appearance, I walked out to the living room to see who that was.

A tall fair skinned lady stood before me. Her dress was short, revealing her stick like thin thighs to us. Her hair was blonde, ankles lifted up because of the pencil heels she had put on. A little bag was hanging on her forearm.

"Ji? Namaste!"

I greeted her, joining my hands together. Manjeet ji stood beside her, with her gaze lowered, and hands before her abdomen, fisted together. Her head hung low.

"What is fuck is this 'namaste'. You aren't in India anymore! And WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MY HOUSE?"

She yelled terribly. I just hope the blood hadn't oozed out of my ears because of her shrill unbearable voice.

"Madam! She is....new here. I.....I'll explain...."


Manjeet ji tried to counter her, but she bellowed back at her before she could complete the sentence.

Thakur's Healer | 18+Where stories live. Discover now