34. The Wild Bull 🌶️

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"Haayee daiya!"

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"Haayee daiya!"

"Oh nooo!"

Kaaki yelped, closing her eyes instantly, as she glanced at us.

I suddenly came out of the ocean of desires where my shame, timidness, grace and femininity had drowned. I stopped moving on him, still panting heavily.

I opened my eyes, but he spoke instantly

"Kaaki, please water the plants outside. We are busy right now."

He grunted, in between his heavy breath. I glared at him, and slapped his shoulder tightly.

"No! No! We aren't continuing this!"

I declared, in a shrill low voice.

"Don't worry, she is not looking at us. She has already palmed her eyes."

He cooed me, imploring to continue with his gaze.

"No! Take me to the bed."

I nuzzled, trying to get off his lap, but he held me firmly. I just couldn't fight his grip.

"Fine! We'll continue this on the bed."

He groaned, and stoop up, holding me in his arms. He had pulled out this time, unlike the previous one, but that hardened bulge was constantly rubbing my throbbing core. My juices were leaking lusciously from there.


I winced a little, as he began walking towards the bedroom. He had covered me with a dupatta, but it fell down on the floor midway.


He bellowed, scaring me terribly. His voice is dangerous. Kaaki was chuckling from outside. I could listen to her laughter. She encouraged us too.

I was feeling extremely embarrassed now. I would not be able to face her from the next day.

He carried me to bed, and tossed me over there. Before I could do anything, he was already over me, supporting his body on his elbows.

"Lock the door!"

I commanded him, facing on the side.

"Nobody's coming here."

He grunted, lifting up my chin to make me face him.

"You said the same thing earlier. See what happened! What will kaaki think of me now?"

I quavered, pouting my lips to form an 'o'.

"Nothing! We are married." He tried to counter me, but I was already pissed off.

"So what, we'll do all this before everyone? Noo!"

I squealed, pushing him away, but he didn't even budge.

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