26. She is Learning 🌶️

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"Um.. thakur ji!"

I muttered, and he hummed in a throaty voice.

"You are also aroused!"

I whispered, and he didn't respond, so I glanced at him again. He was ogling me with a darkened gaze.

I cleared my throat, getting a little scared of his gestures. He smiled, and caressed my face with his fingers lovingly.

Grabbing my hips, he yanked me on him, making me sit on his lap.

"Wear the saree. Let me get something for you to eat."

He mumbled, kissing and pampering me.

"Hm, but what about that?"

I asked, pointing my finger shyly at his erected manhood.

"I'll handle it." He replied, with less enthusiasm in his voice.

He just said, that his fingers and tongue can also penetrate me, so there must be some solution to calm his erected manhood down too.

"I know that you don't want sex right now, but can my fingers or tongue help you out like yours did to me?"

I muttered, and he choked on the air, with widened eyes.

"What did you say, Jaana?"

His voice sounded surprised, and I cleared my throat before repeating the previously uttered words as it is. He chuckled, his hands travelled to his belt and he began unbuckling it.

"So do you know what you have to do?"

He enquired, sliding his pants down. I licked on my lower lip, and shook my head lowering my gaze, as in to avoid myself from gawking at his erection.

"Fine, I'll tell you."

He muttered lowering his boxers, then he held my bangles clad wrists, and took my hands closer to his length.

I hesitated a little the moment the tip of my fingers touched his manhood.

"Shh! Ragini. Relax, it's all yours to touch, take or suck."

He groaned, leaning forward and pecking between my brows.

"S ..suck?" I asked, getting extremely confused with this word.

"Hm..you can suck it also."

He grunted, and I gawked at it for a few seconds, followed by gulping

"Isn't it too big for my mouth?"

I enquired, fear and nervousness were evident in my voice.

"You'll learn slowly. For now, use your hands."

He maffled, and I hummed shyly. My fingertips were unknowingly touching his bulge's tip, that was moving gently whenever I touched it. My flickering gaze kept anchoring on it, but I was somehow distracting myself from ogling it.

Thakur's Healer | 18+Where stories live. Discover now