56. Disgraceful Demand

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My eyes opened only to find my boob inside his mouth

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My eyes opened only to find my boob inside his mouth. He would never leave this habit for sure. I tried to straighten up, but my body ached to do so. Last night was surely wild.

Uncovering myself of the comforters, I gazed at my inner thighs that were wrapped up within the heating pads, to soothe my ache. It was set in automation mode. I slowly undid it, and switched off the power button.

I suddenly felt like puking so I rushed into the bathroom to vomit it out. This has been happening for the past few weeks.

Wait a minute, I didn't get my periods this month.

My breath hitched, and I instantly touched my belly, caressing it a little.

Am I really......?

I came out of the bathroom and ran to Rosie's room. The couple wasn't home yet. I knew the drawer where they keep condoms and pregnancy testing kits. I brought out the kit, and checked myself with it.

It turned red. I felt immensely elated pondering upon our baby. I have his seeds in me, this will be our baby. Oh my God!

I quickly started rushing to my room, and suddenly I recalled about our anniversary, which was just a week away from now.

Informing him about my pregnancy on our first anniversary. What else could be a better gift than that?

Blushing intensely, I went into the bathroom to take a refreshing bath. After that, I covered myself in a bathing gown and came out to our bedroom. He was still sleeping, now on his abdomen. His back had nail marks, that were imparted by me. They look sexy on him undoubtedly.

I prayed to my deity, crooning beautiful bhajans, and went into the kitchen to prepare his tiffin. I was still humming a melody, as the tiffin was almost done when I left two strong arms hugging me from behind.

"Good morning, Jaana!"

He grunted, sniffing my neck lusciously, followed by nibbling the skin there.

"Anhh! Good morning. Don't bite me."

I blurted out in a low voice, blushing coyly as I was packing his tiffin.

"I would prefer biting them."

He groaned, tracing my nipple with the tip of his fingers from over the fabric.

"Stop being so shameless. We'll have kids soon. Would you behave like this before them?"

I questioned him, giggling in between my words.

"Definitely! Then we'll do all this in private."

He muttered, nibbling my earlobe.

"Ahhh! Stop. Take this and get ready. You'll get late."

I asserted, turning back and handling him over the tiffin.

"Okay! So Rosie will be back soon, and visit the Chapel with her. Mrs Smith is no more."

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