🌟🍋 Soft (Ochako x Dom!Male!Reader)

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*♡request for Myrealnameisntjade♡*

In the hushed intimacy of the room, you stood poised as the master of this sensual tapestry. Before you, Ochako Uraraka, your willing submissive, lay in a state of serene surrender.

Her skin, as fair as the petals of a sakura blossom, glistened with anticipation. You reached out a gentle hand, tracing the delicate contours of her face. Her eyes fluttered open, meeting yours with a mix of trust and longing.

"Relax, Ochako," you whispered, your voice a soothing balm. "Let yourself go."

You removed her clothing, revealing a body untouched by anything but love's tender embrace. As you caressed her firm curves and soft contours, a wave of arousal swept through you.

"You are beautiful," you murmured, your words echoing the thoughts that filled your mind. "Every inch of you is perfection."

As you caressed her body, you allowed your touch to linger on the most sensitive areas, feeling her shudder with pleasure.

"Does it feel good, is this what you want?' you murmured, your voice a soothing caress.

"Yes," she breathed, her voice barely above a whisper. "I trust you."

You continued your exploration, peppering her body with delicate kisses and loving touches. You watched as her body flushed with desire.

"You are mine, Ochako." You murmured, your voice low and husky.

Her lips parted involuntarily, a soft sigh escaping them. With a mischievous gleam in her eyes, she whispered, 'I am all yours.'

You leaned down, pressing your lips against hers, a tender kiss filled with promises and unspoken desires. As she parted her legs, offering herself to your gaze, you could not deny the allure of her sweet submission.

You lowered your head, taking her into your mouth. Her taste was like a summer nectar, sweet and intoxicating. You let her cries of pleasure fill the air, as you lavished attention upon her. With each stroke of your tongue, she trembled and moaned, her body arching off the bed.

Her scent, a mix of arousal and innocence, surrounded you, making it impossible to focus on anything else. You could feel the tension building within her, and you knew she was close. You increased the pace, relentless in your pursuit of her release.

Her cries grew louder, more desperate. Her body tensed and relaxed in perfect rhythm with your movements. You could feel her walls begin to pulse around your tongue, her climax building to an almost unbearable intensity.

"Let go," you murmured, your voice a gentle command. "Give in to it."

Her cries became more urgent, more primal. She arched her back, her body tense and trembling as she neared the peak of her release. You felt her walls begin to quiver around your tongue, her climax building like a storm on the horizon.

"That's it," you encouraged, your words lost in the passion of the moment.

Ochako's body trembled as she reached the peak of her release, her hips bucking wildly against your mouth. Her cries of pleasure filled the air, echoing through your body as you continued to lavish attention upon her.

My Lover Academia: MHA x Reader [Requests OPEN!]Where stories live. Discover now