Chapter 1

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I open my eyes to my alarm clock blaring. Glaring at the beeping machine I grabbed it and hit the snooze button on the clock and closed my eyes to resume my rest. Suddenly I am doused in cold water. I shot up in fright,teeth chattering. I looked up to see my tormentors the ones supposed to be my family. My brother, Jaxon and my brother's best friend who is a major player and ass, Dimitri. They were both glaring down at me harshly. I whimpered and cowered in fear. Already tensing and waiting for the first blow to hit. When it didn't come, I relaxed only to get punched right after. I fell over and winced when I landed on old bruises. When I turned back around, I saw Jaxon and Dimitri smiling sadistically at my pain,waiting for me to shed a tear. The fact was that I had no more tears. When I didn't cry, Jaxon growled softly.

"Wake up you lazy bitch and make breakfast.You over slept. And for over sleeping you can skip breakfast. You look like you could miss a year."

That seemed hilarious to them so they were just laughing away. And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse.


I cringed at the harshness of his voice. I scrambled to get up and moving.As I did so Jaxon thought it would be funny to kick my legs from under me.I fell to the floor hard.I felt a foot come down hard on my back and winced at I felt some bones crack. Jaxon rolled his foot on my back.He then removed it.I scrambled back on my feet and started towards the door. Jaxon didn't think I was moving fast enough so he grabbed me by the hair and dragged me down the stairs and into the kitchen.

There stood Alexander,my step-father,Alpha of our pack. And when we entered he glared at me menacingly. Jaxon lifted me off the ground by my hair and dropped me down hard.I stood up and looked at my step-father and cowered back in fear when I saw his eyes. They were pitch black.


He walked toward me. I only then noticed the silver knife in his hand. I whimpered.He grabbed me roughly and shoved me down on the floor.He took the knife and dragged it against my skin on my neck making thin trails of blood flow down.Never removing the knife from my skin he dragged it back and down my back tearing my shirt in the process. I winced and then whimper when he dug the knife in the small of my back,cutting deeper. He then rolled me over and rose me to my knees. He removed his belt started to whip me with the buckle over and over. I cried out in pain and looked around. I noticed we had an audience.

People who were woken from the noise came to investigate. When they saw what was happening, they created a wall around us and made sure I couldn't get away.

I gasped when I felt the buckle get caught in my back. I screamed in agony when he yanked roughly back on it tearing a chunk of my back with it. I fell to the ground gasping in pain.He then grabbed me and pushed through the crowd to the kitchen.


I hurriedly cook them breakfast and went up stairs. As I walked upstairs, I kept wondering what did I do to deserve this? Alexander deserved this pain not me. He was the one who killed mum not me. He was the one who murdered her and right in front of me. I winced at the memory. I wasn't treated like this before. Granted I wasn't treated good but I wasn't beaten. I was simply ignored.

Back then I wasn't treated fairly because I didn't shift and was born with half black half blonde hair.The front being blond and the back black. Back then when it was just me and mum she would teach me how to fight.She taught me how to fight with katanas and various weapons in general. I was strong for my age and my mum always told me I was special and different. I believed her and still do. They called me by runt and only when they are mad or angry at me did they call me by my name, Persephone.

Once I made it back upstairs, I headed to my room. I took out my sewing kit and my first aid kit. I sewed my shirt and then grabbed some floss with a needle. I cleaned the needle and then stitched myself up. And put bandages over it. I then carefully slipped my shirt on and started my day off with my daily chores.


My bones whined at my movement as I went into my room. I finally finished cleaning and was worn out. I collapsed on my rock hard bed and went to sleep.

Half way into being almost dead to the world my door opened.The light flicked on.I opened my eyes and looked up to see my brother and his friends. I noticed Dimitri wasn't with them. They quickly grabbed me and dragged me downstairs.

They took me to the living room and brought me closer to the fire place. The fire flickered as my brother grabbed a wire hanger and twisted the point. He then put it into the fire until it glowed. He then turned to me and I started to panic, knowing where this was going and not liking it one bit. I tried to get out of his friends grasp but they were relentless.My brother was standing over me with a malicious grin on his face. He grabbed my arm and brought it closer. He pierced me with a haunted look."You better not scream either."

Jaxon started to carve on my skin with the scalding point of the wire. It took every fiber in my being to stop me from voicing my pain. I slowed my breathing and closed my eyes. After a minute or two of it, the pain finally dulled to numbness. I could feel myself shutting down. And I don't know how long before I gave out. I heard one of his friends curse.

"Shit! Hurry up. I think she is passing out."

Jaxon chuckled humorlessly. "Well carving on skin and bone isn't as easy as it looks. I'm using your mother's wire hanger for Christ's sake."

When his ministrations finally stopped, I was half dead. He knocked me in the back of the head. "Hey! Wake up. I don't have all night." My eyes flew open. I looked up at him emotionlessly. I pushed the rising pain back and looked at him with dead eyes.When he realised I wasn't going to cry or anything, he grabbed me by my ankle and dragged me back upstairs. My head hitting each stair making my vision to start to have black dots. Jaxon picked me off the floor by my ankle and then let me go.I fell right on my head and I groaned.The black spots in my vision grew and I knew there was a possible concussion. I didn't care even if I had one I went under, knowing that there was a possibility that I wouldn't wake up.

Unfortunately, this is what I would call my normal kind of day. I am waiting till I finally snap or when my body can't take it anymore and my heart just gives out. Every day, I still ask myself why am I still alive? Is there purpose for my existence? Sadly, I haven't found one yet, other than keeping my brother Jaxon safe.

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