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As I lug my things back upstairs to my apartment, I suddenly regret packing so much stuff and I wish I hadn't gotten so many gifts from my parents... Okay, that's a lie... But I do wish I could've just teleported it home.

Maya is still with gone at her aunts, so I am unfortunately stuck doing this alone. 

When I've dredged the last of my stuff into my apartment, I flop onto the couch and curse myself for not going to the gym more often. 

Nick won't be home for a few more hours, so I have some time to unpack, shower and then re-pack for staying at his place. All I really want to do is just nap, but I really should just get shit done. I sigh to myself and begin unpacking, trying to fit all my new clothes into my closet and dresser. Most of what my parents got me, was clothes... Not that I'm complaining, but I do wish I could've been gifted some more storage space with the clothes.

I almost got another dresser, but quickly realized that I'd have nowhere to put it... My room is as full as it can get while still leaving me walking space.

While trying to shove all of my new clothes into my closet and dresser, I toss aside some things that I don't wear anymore, which I really should've done ages ago, but just never got around to. By the time I've finished, my bed is covered in clothes for donation, and my closet and dresser are still jam packed. At least I got everything in there.

Sighing at the mound on my bed, I decide to worry about that later and just pack my things for Nicks. I don't bother packing too much, since I can easily come home to grab things if needed, but I grab the essentials and his present, packing it in the bottom of my bag so he can't find it if he gets impatient and snoopy.

I prep for my shower and start thinking about how this is going to pan out... Spending so many days and nights with Nick. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, even though I don't think I have anything to be nervous about. The most time we've ever spent together consecutively is 3 days, this will be 10 days. I look at it as a small glimpse into what it would be like to live with him, which I think makes anybody nervous. It's hard not to think that way when I've fallen so hard for him and we've taken many serious steps in our relationship, even despite how slowly we probably should've taken it, due to the obvious taboo-nature of our relationship. 

On that topic, I can't believe he told his parents... I know I told mine, but I honestly expected him to wait longer, however I'm glad he didn't. According to him, they were totally supportive and happy for him, just as my parents were, which is clearly the best-case scenario. It's also hard to believe that both of our parents are so accepting of our situation, but I refuse to spend too much time dwelling on it when all that would do is stress me out for no reason. I trust that they're being honest with us.

My shower felt quicker than usual, probably because my body and brain are on autopilot, and I was occupied with my thoughts the entire time. Once I've gotten dressed and dried my hair, Nick texts me to let me know that he'll be here soon to get me. I feel myself smiling painfully hard at the idea of seeing him again and getting to spend so much time with him. As nervous as I am, I am just as excited. 

I don't bother with makeup since it's later in the day and I know Nick and I will just be couch or bed bound until tomorrow, so I double check my bag to see if I missed anything, and then I decide last minute to shove all my to-be-donated items into trash bags and set them aside for another day.

He texts me that he's here and I quickly rush downstairs to his car, tossing my things into the backseat and sliding into the passenger seat, though I don't stay there long... I swing myself over and into his lap, straddling him and kissing him aggressively. He groans in response, grabbing my ass roughly and grinding himself against me, making me moan against his mouth.

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