🌟🖤 Hurt ( Bakugo x Reader)

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*♡request for anayo333777♡*

You idly flip through your textbook, barely registering the words on the page. The room is filled with the usual hustle and bustle of students, but you find yourself contentedly isolated, nestled in a cozy corner of the library. It's not that you don't like people; you just prefer to keep to yourself. You're about to close your book and get some much-needed coffee when a voice interrupts your thoughts.

"Hey, you."

Startled, you looked up to meet the piercing crimson eyes of Bakugo Katsuki. A notorious heartbreaker, and you wouldn't say your 'bully', but he definitely was not kind to you. His rugged features were softened by a hint of curiosity, yet his voice carried a familiar sharpness.

"Uh, hi." You manage to croak, eyes darting away from his intense gaze. He leans forward, elbows on the table, and smirks. Watching as you squirm a slight blush creeping on your face, uncomfortable at his closeness.

"You know, you're really cute when you blush." He says, his voice devoid of malice. Your cheeks flush even deeper. "I've always wondered what it would be like to get to know you better."

You look up at him, surprised by his words.

"Me?" You can't help but feel a strange mix of pleasure and unease in your chest.

He leans in even closer, his breath tickling your ear. "Maybe we could... study together sometime?" He pauses, grinning mischievously.

His lips brush against your ear as he speaks. "Or maybe something else?" Sending shivers through your body.

Initially, you had brushed him off, not wanting to be involved in any way, but as days turned to weeks, Bakugo's presence in your life became an unexpected constant. He would often approach you in the library, engaging you in brief conversations. His brusque exterior seemed to melt away, replaced by a surprising gentleness.

It wasn't long before you began to enjoy his company, finding solace in the moments you shared. You found yourself looking forward to seeing him, feeling a strange sense of comfort in his presence.

One day, as you were studying together, Bakugo finally confessed his feelings.

"I think I've been falling for you," he said softly, one hand tracing patterns on your arm. "I honestly can't stop thinking about you."

You were taken aback, unsure of how to react. Part of you was flattered. Another part of you was terrified.

"It's a little sudden... Can I think about it?" You knew that there was something off about the way he reacted. Annoyance filled his eyes behind the thin smile.

On your own, you already struggled with your self-worth, but it slowly grew worse as he had no qualms about toying with your emotions. He would shower you with compliments and affection one moment, only to hurl hurtful insults the next. Your fragile psyche shattered under his relentless onslaught.

The problems you had once confided in him became ammunition against you. The anorexia that had once been your silent torment now became an unbearable burden. Bakugo's callous disregard for your struggles ignited a fire within you, consuming you with self-hatred. The meals you once enjoyed now seemed like poison, and your body withered away with each passing day.

Rinse and repeat. His charm would then wash over you, like a glimmer of warmth amid the darkness, and his attention seemed like a beacon of salvation, and as the weeks turned into months, cracks began to appear in Bakugo's facade.

His compliments became only barbed, and his laughter turned into sneers. The illusion was shattered one night when you overheard a group of his friends talking. Their laughter was cruel, their words cutting.

"I can't wait to see the look on their face when they find out you were just playing them." one of them snickered.

"It'll be hilarious," Bakugo replied, his voice devoid of any remorse. "They actually thought I liked them."

Your heart sank. The sweet words he had whispered, the stolen moments you had shared-it was all a lie. You had been nothing more than a pawn in his twisted game.

"Once a bully...always a bully." You held your tongue as they looked at you, deciding that now was not the time or place to speak your mind. They only continued to tease mercilessly, and you could feel tears stinging the back of your eyes.

Bakugo's eyes blazed with contempt as he sneered, "You're nothing but a fat, ugly waste of space."

That was it. The words shattered your self-worth, plunging you into a pit of despair. You couldn't bear the pain anymore.

As the tears streamed down your face, you made your way back to your room, slamming the door behind you. You collapsed onto your bed, sobbing uncontrollably. Your heart ached, and your body trembled with the weight of the hurt and betrayal. The world seemed to spin out of control, and you couldn't find your bearings.

You felt as if you were drowning, and the more you tried to fight back, the deeper you sank. The self-loathing and despair consumed you, leaving you hollow and empty. You wondered how you had let this happen, how you had let yourself become so vulnerable. You struggled as the scars of Bakugo's love bombing and emotional abuse ran deep, making it difficult to trust anyone or anything...

Word Count: 892

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